Uses of Interface

Packages that use Bag
org.apache.commons.collections This package contains the interfaces and utilities shared across all the subpackages of this component. 
org.apache.commons.collections.bag This package contains implementations of the Bag and SortedBag interfaces. 

Uses of Bag in org.apache.commons.collections

Subinterfaces of Bag in org.apache.commons.collections
 interface SortedBag
          Defines a type of Bag that maintains a sorted order among its unique representative members.

Classes in org.apache.commons.collections that implement Bag
 class DefaultMapBag
          Deprecated. Moved to bag subpackage as AbstractMapBag. Due to be removed in v4.0.
 class HashBag
          Deprecated. Moved to bag subpackage and rewritten internally. Due to be removed in v4.0.
 class TreeBag
          Deprecated. Moved to bag subpackage and rewritten internally. Due to be removed in v4.0.

Fields in org.apache.commons.collections declared as Bag
static Bag BagUtils.EMPTY_BAG
          An empty unmodifiable bag.
static Bag BagUtils.EMPTY_SORTED_BAG
          An empty unmodifiable sorted bag.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections that return Bag
static Bag BagUtils.predicatedBag(Bag bag, Predicate predicate)
          Returns a predicated (validating) bag backed by the given bag.
static Bag BagUtils.synchronizedBag(Bag bag)
          Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) bag backed by the given bag.
static Bag BagUtils.transformedBag(Bag bag, Transformer transformer)
          Returns a transformed bag backed by the given bag.
static Bag BagUtils.typedBag(Bag bag, java.lang.Class type)
          Returns a typed bag backed by the given bag.
static Bag BagUtils.unmodifiableBag(Bag bag)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of the given bag.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections with parameters of type Bag
 boolean DefaultMapBag.containsAll(Bag other)
          Deprecated. Returns true if the bag contains all elements in the given collection, respecting cardinality.
static Bag BagUtils.predicatedBag(Bag bag, Predicate predicate)
          Returns a predicated (validating) bag backed by the given bag.
 boolean DefaultMapBag.retainAll(Bag other)
          Deprecated. Remove any members of the bag that are not in the given bag, respecting cardinality.
static Bag BagUtils.synchronizedBag(Bag bag)
          Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) bag backed by the given bag.
static Bag BagUtils.transformedBag(Bag bag, Transformer transformer)
          Returns a transformed bag backed by the given bag.
static Bag BagUtils.typedBag(Bag bag, java.lang.Class type)
          Returns a typed bag backed by the given bag.
static Bag BagUtils.unmodifiableBag(Bag bag)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of the given bag.

Uses of Bag in org.apache.commons.collections.bag

Classes in org.apache.commons.collections.bag that implement Bag
 class AbstractBagDecorator
          Decorates another Bag to provide additional behaviour.
 class AbstractMapBag
          Abstract implementation of the Bag interface to simplify the creation of subclass implementations.
 class AbstractSortedBagDecorator
          Decorates another SortedBag to provide additional behaviour.
 class PredicatedBag
          Decorates another Bag to validate that additions match a specified predicate.
 class PredicatedSortedBag
          Decorates another SortedBag to validate that additions match a specified predicate.
 class SynchronizedBag
          Decorates another Bag to synchronize its behaviour for a multi-threaded environment.
 class SynchronizedSortedBag
          Decorates another SortedBag to synchronize its behaviour for a multi-threaded environment.
 class TransformedBag
          Decorates another Bag to transform objects that are added.
 class TransformedSortedBag
          Decorates another SortedBag to transform objects that are added.
 class UnmodifiableBag
          Decorates another Bag to ensure it can't be altered.
 class UnmodifiableSortedBag
          Decorates another SortedBag to ensure it can't be altered.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.bag that return Bag
static Bag UnmodifiableBag.decorate(Bag bag)
          Factory method to create an unmodifiable bag.
static Bag SynchronizedBag.decorate(Bag bag)
          Factory method to create a synchronized bag.
static Bag TypedBag.decorate(Bag bag, java.lang.Class type)
          Factory method to create a typed bag.
static Bag PredicatedBag.decorate(Bag bag, Predicate predicate)
          Factory method to create a predicated (validating) bag.
static Bag TransformedBag.decorate(Bag bag, Transformer transformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming bag.
protected  Bag TransformedBag.getBag()
          Gets the decorated bag.
protected  Bag SynchronizedBag.getBag()
          Gets the bag being decorated.
protected  Bag PredicatedBag.getBag()
          Gets the decorated bag.
protected  Bag AbstractBagDecorator.getBag()
          Gets the bag being decorated.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.bag with parameters of type Bag
static Bag UnmodifiableBag.decorate(Bag bag)
          Factory method to create an unmodifiable bag.
static Bag SynchronizedBag.decorate(Bag bag)
          Factory method to create a synchronized bag.
static Bag TypedBag.decorate(Bag bag, java.lang.Class type)
          Factory method to create a typed bag.
static Bag PredicatedBag.decorate(Bag bag, Predicate predicate)
          Factory method to create a predicated (validating) bag.
static Bag TransformedBag.decorate(Bag bag, Transformer transformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming bag.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.bag with parameters of type Bag
AbstractBagDecorator(Bag bag)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
PredicatedBag(Bag bag, Predicate predicate)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
SynchronizedBag(Bag bag)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
SynchronizedBag(Bag bag, java.lang.Object lock)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
SynchronizedSortedBag(Bag bag, java.lang.Object lock)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
TransformedBag(Bag bag, Transformer transformer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).

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