Interface CompositeSet.SetMutator

All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static interface CompositeSet.SetMutator
extends CompositeCollection.CollectionMutator

Define callbacks for mutation operations.

Defining remove() on implementations of SetMutator is pointless as they are never called by CompositeSet.

Method Summary
 void resolveCollision(CompositeSet comp, java.util.Set existing, java.util.Set added, java.util.Collection intersects)
           Called when a Set is added to the CompositeSet and there is a collision between existing and added sets.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.commons.collections.collection.CompositeCollection.CollectionMutator
add, addAll, remove

Method Detail


void resolveCollision(CompositeSet comp,
                      java.util.Set existing,
                      java.util.Set added,
                      java.util.Collection intersects)

Called when a Set is added to the CompositeSet and there is a collision between existing and added sets.

If added and existing still have any intersects after this method returns an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

comp - The CompositeSet being modified
existing - The Set already existing in the composite
added - the Set being added to the composite
intersects - the intersection of th existing and added sets

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