Class CursorableLinkedList

  extended by org.apache.commons.collections.list.AbstractLinkedList
      extended by org.apache.commons.collections.list.CursorableLinkedList
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Iterable, java.util.Collection, java.util.List

public class CursorableLinkedList
extends AbstractLinkedList

A List implementation with a ListIterator that allows concurrent modifications to the underlying list.

This implementation supports all of the optional List operations. It extends AbstractLinkedList and thus provides the stack/queue/dequeue operations available in LinkedList.

The main feature of this class is the ability to modify the list and the iterator at the same time. Both the listIterator() and cursor() methods provides access to a Cursor instance which extends ListIterator. The cursor allows changes to the list concurrent with changes to the iterator. Note that the iterator() method and sublists do not provide this cursor behaviour.

The Cursor class is provided partly for backwards compatibility and partly because it allows the cursor to be directly closed. Closing the cursor is optional because references are held via a WeakReference. For most purposes, simply modify the iterator and list at will, and then let the garbage collector to the rest.

Note that this implementation is not synchronized.

Commons Collections 1.0
$Revision: 646777 $ $Date: 2008-04-10 13:33:15 +0100 (Thu, 10 Apr 2008) $
Rodney Waldhoff, Janek Bogucki, Simon Kitching, Stephen Colebourne
See Also:
LinkedList, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class CursorableLinkedList.Cursor
          An extended ListIterator that allows concurrent changes to the underlying list.
protected static class CursorableLinkedList.SubCursor
          A cursor for the sublist based on LinkedSubListIterator.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.commons.collections.list.AbstractLinkedList
AbstractLinkedList.LinkedListIterator, AbstractLinkedList.LinkedSubList, AbstractLinkedList.LinkedSubListIterator, AbstractLinkedList.Node
Field Summary
protected  java.util.List cursors
          A list of the cursor currently open on this list
Fields inherited from class org.apache.commons.collections.list.AbstractLinkedList
header, modCount, size
Constructor Summary
          Constructor that creates.
CursorableLinkedList(java.util.Collection coll)
          Constructor that copies the specified collection
Method Summary
protected  void addNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node nodeToInsert, AbstractLinkedList.Node insertBeforeNode)
          Inserts a new node into the list.
protected  void broadcastNodeChanged(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Informs all of my registered cursors that the specified element was changed.
protected  void broadcastNodeInserted(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Informs all of my registered cursors that the specified element was just added to my list.
protected  void broadcastNodeRemoved(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Informs all of my registered cursors that the specified element was just removed from my list.
protected  java.util.ListIterator createSubListListIterator(AbstractLinkedList.LinkedSubList subList, int fromIndex)
          Creates a list iterator for the sublist.
 CursorableLinkedList.Cursor cursor()
          Returns a CursorableLinkedList.Cursor for iterating through the elements of this list.
 CursorableLinkedList.Cursor cursor(int fromIndex)
          Returns a CursorableLinkedList.Cursor for iterating through the elements of this list starting from a specified index.
protected  void init()
          The equivalent of a default constructor called by any constructor and by readObject.
 java.util.Iterator iterator()
          Returns an iterator that does not support concurrent modification.
 java.util.ListIterator listIterator()
          Returns a cursor iterator that allows changes to the underlying list in parallel.
 java.util.ListIterator listIterator(int fromIndex)
          Returns a cursor iterator that allows changes to the underlying list in parallel.
protected  void registerCursor(CursorableLinkedList.Cursor cursor)
          Registers a cursor to be notified of changes to this list.
protected  void removeAllNodes()
          Removes all nodes by iteration.
protected  void removeNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
          Removes the specified node from the list.
protected  void unregisterCursor(CursorableLinkedList.Cursor cursor)
          Deregisters a cursor from the list to be notified of changes.
protected  void updateNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node node, java.lang.Object value)
          Updates the node with a new value.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.collections.list.AbstractLinkedList
add, add, addAll, addAll, addFirst, addLast, addNodeAfter, addNodeBefore, clear, contains, containsAll, createHeaderNode, createNode, createSubListIterator, doReadObject, doWriteObject, equals, get, getFirst, getLast, getNode, hashCode, indexOf, isEmpty, isEqualValue, lastIndexOf, remove, remove, removeAll, removeFirst, removeLast, retainAll, set, size, subList, toArray, toArray, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected transient java.util.List cursors
A list of the cursor currently open on this list

Constructor Detail


public CursorableLinkedList()
Constructor that creates.


public CursorableLinkedList(java.util.Collection coll)
Constructor that copies the specified collection

coll - the collection to copy
Method Detail


protected void init()
The equivalent of a default constructor called by any constructor and by readObject.

init in class AbstractLinkedList


public java.util.Iterator iterator()
Returns an iterator that does not support concurrent modification.

If the underlying list is modified while iterating using this iterator a ConcurrentModificationException will occur. The cursor behaviour is available via listIterator().

Specified by:
iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable
Specified by:
iterator in interface java.util.Collection
Specified by:
iterator in interface java.util.List
iterator in class AbstractLinkedList
a new iterator that does not support concurrent modification


public java.util.ListIterator listIterator()
Returns a cursor iterator that allows changes to the underlying list in parallel.

The cursor enables iteration and list changes to occur in any order without invalidating the iterator (from one thread). When elements are added to the list, an event is fired to all active cursors enabling them to adjust to the change in the list.

When the "current" (i.e., last returned by or ListIterator.previous()) element of the list is removed, the cursor automatically adjusts to the change (invalidating the last returned value such that it cannot be removed).

Specified by:
listIterator in interface java.util.List
listIterator in class AbstractLinkedList
a new cursor iterator


public java.util.ListIterator listIterator(int fromIndex)
Returns a cursor iterator that allows changes to the underlying list in parallel.

The cursor enables iteration and list changes to occur in any order without invalidating the iterator (from one thread). When elements are added to the list, an event is fired to all active cursors enabling them to adjust to the change in the list.

When the "current" (i.e., last returned by or ListIterator.previous()) element of the list is removed, the cursor automatically adjusts to the change (invalidating the last returned value such that it cannot be removed).

Specified by:
listIterator in interface java.util.List
listIterator in class AbstractLinkedList
fromIndex - the index to start from
a new cursor iterator


public CursorableLinkedList.Cursor cursor()
Returns a CursorableLinkedList.Cursor for iterating through the elements of this list.

A Cursor is a ListIterator with an additional close() method. Calling this method immediately discards the references to the cursor. If it is not called, then the garbage collector will still remove the reference as it is held via a WeakReference.

The cursor enables iteration and list changes to occur in any order without invalidating the iterator (from one thread). When elements are added to the list, an event is fired to all active cursors enabling them to adjust to the change in the list.

When the "current" (i.e., last returned by or ListIterator.previous()) element of the list is removed, the cursor automatically adjusts to the change (invalidating the last returned value such that it cannot be removed).

The listIterator() method returns the same as this method, and can be cast to a Cursor if the close method is required.

a new cursor iterator


public CursorableLinkedList.Cursor cursor(int fromIndex)
Returns a CursorableLinkedList.Cursor for iterating through the elements of this list starting from a specified index.

A Cursor is a ListIterator with an additional close() method. Calling this method immediately discards the references to the cursor. If it is not called, then the garbage collector will still remove the reference as it is held via a WeakReference.

The cursor enables iteration and list changes to occur in any order without invalidating the iterator (from one thread). When elements are added to the list, an event is fired to all active cursors enabling them to adjust to the change in the list.

When the "current" (i.e., last returned by or ListIterator.previous()) element of the list is removed, the cursor automatically adjusts to the change (invalidating the last returned value such that it cannot be removed).

The listIterator(int) method returns the same as this method, and can be cast to a Cursor if the close method is required.

fromIndex - the index to start from
a new cursor iterator
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > size()).


protected void updateNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node node,
                          java.lang.Object value)
Updates the node with a new value. This implementation sets the value on the node. Subclasses can override this to record the change.

updateNode in class AbstractLinkedList
node - node to update
value - new value of the node


protected void addNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node nodeToInsert,
                       AbstractLinkedList.Node insertBeforeNode)
Inserts a new node into the list.

addNode in class AbstractLinkedList
nodeToInsert - new node to insert
insertBeforeNode - node to insert before
java.lang.NullPointerException - if either node is null


protected void removeNode(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
Removes the specified node from the list.

removeNode in class AbstractLinkedList
node - the node to remove
java.lang.NullPointerException - if node is null


protected void removeAllNodes()
Removes all nodes by iteration.

removeAllNodes in class AbstractLinkedList


protected void registerCursor(CursorableLinkedList.Cursor cursor)
Registers a cursor to be notified of changes to this list.

cursor - the cursor to register


protected void unregisterCursor(CursorableLinkedList.Cursor cursor)
Deregisters a cursor from the list to be notified of changes.

cursor - the cursor to deregister


protected void broadcastNodeChanged(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
Informs all of my registered cursors that the specified element was changed.

node - the node that was changed


protected void broadcastNodeRemoved(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
Informs all of my registered cursors that the specified element was just removed from my list.

node - the node that was changed


protected void broadcastNodeInserted(AbstractLinkedList.Node node)
Informs all of my registered cursors that the specified element was just added to my list.

node - the node that was changed


protected java.util.ListIterator createSubListListIterator(AbstractLinkedList.LinkedSubList subList,
                                                           int fromIndex)
Creates a list iterator for the sublist.

createSubListListIterator in class AbstractLinkedList
subList - the sublist to get an iterator for
fromIndex - the index to start from, relative to the sublist

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