
Python is a favorite among many developers for its strong emphasis on readability and efficiency, especially when compared to other languages like Java, PHP, and C++.

Sure, it’s old, but it’s 1980s old — not Cobol or Fortran old. Besides, if something works, why change it (especially when there are so many ways to improve it)?

Actually, depending on how you view it, longevity is a good thing in itself — a sign of stability and reliability.

Python 是一门更注重可读性和效率的语言,尤其是相较于 Java,PHP 以及 C++ 这样的语言,它的这两个优势让其在开发者中大受欢迎。

诚然,它有点老了,但仍是80后啊 —— 至少没有 Cobol 或者 Fortran 那么老。而且,如果还能派上用场的话,为啥要折腾着改变它呢 (尤其在这个还有那么多方法可以提升它性能的时候)?

实际上这要看你怎么看待它,生命线长本身就是件好事 —— 说明它稳定且可靠。

If you’re like many people who first started out with Java, C, or Perl, the learning curve for Python is practically nonexistent. But the fact that it’s easy to learn is also the reason why some people don’t see Python as a necessary programming skill.

I’ll be honest with you, my love of Python didn’t really develop until a few years ago. It took a long career of painful lessons to appreciate everything this language and platform have to offer. My goal with this short post is to save you the same pain and convince you why Python is something you need to know.

如果你是像其他许多人一样都是从 Java,C 或者 Perl 开始进入职业生涯的,那么学习 Python 的曲线基本上是不存在的。然而也正是由于 Python 易于上手这一事实,让有些人没有意识到 Python 也应该是一项必要的编程技能。

我要向各位坦诚,我对 Python 的喜爱也是从几年以前才开始的。不经历长期的痛苦教训,我们是不会对这门语言以及它的平台所提供的一切心生感激的。我写下这篇短文的目的就是要将你从同样的痛苦中拯救出来,让你明白为什么需要去了解 Python。

1. Python Is Easy to Learn

Well, at least it’s “easier” compared to many of the other programming languages available to you. There isn’t a lot of ceremony to Python’s syntax, which makes it readable even when you’re not a Python expert. My experience is that learning and teaching Python through examples is easier than approaching, say, Ruby or Perl the same way, since the syntax of Python has far fewer rules and special cases. The focus isn’t on language intricacies; it’s on what you want to accomplish with your code.

1. Python 易于学习

好吧,相较于其它许多你可以拿来用的编程语言而言,它“更容易一些”。Python 的语言没有多少仪式化的东西,所以就算不是一个 Python 专家,你也能读懂它的代码。我的经验是,通过实例来学习和教授 Python 要比采取同样的方式去接触比方说 Ruby 或者 Perl 更加容易,因为 Python 的语法里面条条框框以及特殊的处理场景要少得多。 它所专注的并非语言表现的丰富程度,而是你想要用你的代码完成什么。

3. Python Lets You Build More Functions With Less Code

Python is a quick study for anyone. With practice, you can easily build a rudimentary game in two days, tops (and that’s after knowing absolutely nothing about programming).

Another factor that makes Python an attractive programming language for novices is its readability and efficiency.

2. Python 让你能用少量的代码构建出更多的功能

Python 能带给所有开发者一种快速的学习体验。通过实践,你可以在最多两天之内轻松实现一个具备基础功能的游戏 (而这还是在对编程完全不了解的情况下)。

另外一些让 Python 成为一门引人注目的编程语言的因素就是它的可读性和高效性。

4. Python Is a Versatile Language and Platform

Python will be 28 years old in 2017. Even though that’s older than many of my readers, it remains highly relevant because it can be applied to pretty much any software development or operations scenario you can find today. Managing local or cloud infrastructure? Python applies. Developing websites? Yep, it applies there too. Need to work against a SQL database? It does that. Need a custom function for Hive or Pig? Covered. Just building a small tool for yourself? Python’s simplicity makes it a great choice. Need a language that supports the rigor of object-oriented design? Python’s features make it relevant here, too. In short, investing a little effort into learning Python will give you skills that apply across a wide range of job roles.

3. Python 是一门多才多艺的语言,更是一个平台

Python 今年 28 岁了。尽管它比我的许多读者年纪还要大,但是仍然受到高度的关注,因为它可以被应用于如今你所能想得到的相当多的软件开发和操作场景。要管理本地或者云基础设施吗?Python可以。开发网站?OK,它也能行的。需要处理一个 SQL 数据库?可以。需要为 Hive 或者 Pig 定制一个功能?能做到。只是想为自己构建一个小工具?Python 就是最好的选择。需要一门支持面向对象设计的语言?Python 的特性就能满足啦。简而言之,将 Python 了解得更加深入一点点,就能让你具备可以适应范围更宽泛的工作角色的技能。

5. Python Has One of the Most Mature Package Libraries 

Once you know the language, you can leverage the platform. Python is backed by PyPI (pronounced Pie-Pie and perusable online here), which is a repository of more than 85,000 Python modules and scripts that you can use immediately. These modules deliver prepackaged functionality to your local Python environment and solve problems as diverse as working with databases, implementing computer vision, executing advanced data analytics such as sentiment analysis, or building RESTful web services.

4. Python 拥有最成熟的程序包资源库之一

一旦你了解了该语言,就可以利用上这个平台。Python 以 PyPI (读作 Pie-Pie,可以从这里在线进行了解)为其后盾, 这是一个拥有超过 85,000 个 Python 模块和脚本的资源库,你拿过来就立马可以使用。这些模块向你的本地 Python 环境分发已经预先打包好的功能,可以用来解决各种诸如数据库处理,计算机视觉实现,像维度分析这样的高级数据分析的执行,或者是构建 REST 风格的 web 服务这些问题。

6. Python Is a Commonly Used Language in Data Science

Whatever job you’re reaching for, data will be a part of it. IT ops, software development, marketing, etc. — they’re all drowning in data and thirsting for wisdom. Soon data analytics skills will be as necessary as coding skills, and Python has a strong presence in both areas. Next to the language R, Python is the most used language in modern data science; in fact, Python job postings outnumber R postings in the data science arena. The skills you develop learning Python will transfer directly to building these analytics skills.

5. Python 在数据科学领域被广泛使用

不管你从事的是什么工作,数据都会是其中的一部分。IT,软件开发,市场等等 —— 它们都深度地关乎数据且对于智慧求之若渴。很快数据分析技能就会像编码技能一样的重要,而 Python 在两个领域都占有重要的地位。Python 紧挨着 R 语言,都是现代数据科学中最常被使用的语言。事实上,在数据科学领域,Python 的职位职位需求超过了 R 语言。你在学习 Python 时发展出来的技能将会直接转换并被用来构建起自己的这些分析技能。

7. Python Is Cross-Platform and Open Source

Python’s been running cross-platform and open source for more than 20 years. If you need code that works on Linux, Windows, and MacOS, Python provides. Moreover, it’s backed by decades of bug-squashing and kink-straightening to ensure that your code works as intended wherever you run it.

8. Python Is Flexible

There are several robust Python implementations integrated with other programming languages.

  • CPython, a version with C.

  • Jython, or Python integrated with Java.

  • IronPython, which is designed for compatibility with .NET and C#.

  • PyObjc, or Python written with ObjectiveC toolkits.

  • RubyPython, or Python combined with Ruby.

6. Python 是跨平台且开源的

Python 可以跨平台运行,并且已经开放源代码超过20年的时间了,如果你需要代码能同时在Linux,Windows 以及 macOS 上跑起来,Python 就能满足要求。此外,有数十年的修修补补以及不断完善做后盾,可以确保你能够随心所欲地运行自己的代码。

7. Python 是灵活的


  • CPython, 同 C 集成的版本。

  • Jython, 同 Java 集成的Python版本。

  • IronPython, 被设计用来兼容 .Net 和 C#。

  • PyObjc, ObjectiveC 工具下的 Python 写法。

  • RubyPython, 同 Ruby 集成的 Python 版本。


There aren’t a lot of languages that can offer the versatility and simplicity of Python; there are even fewer that can do so alongside decades of thought, effort, and community that has gone into Python. Whether you’re new to code or a script-spewing guru, Python is something you need to know.


并没有很多的语言能提供像 Python 这样的多样性和简洁性; 能持续努力演进并让社区繁荣好几十年的就更少了。无论你是编码新手还是能信手写就脚本的大师,都需要了解一下 Python。
