翻译于 2013/09/26 18:15
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You can find files based on following three file time attribute.
In the following examples, the difference between the min option and the time option is the argument.
前阵子,我们审查了15件实事 find命令的例子(第一部分)。查找命令可以做很多比只是在寻找基于名称的文件 (第2部分)在这篇文章中,让我们来讨论15高级find命令的例子, 包括-根据它访问,修改或改变的时间查找文件,查找文件相比之下,执行操作找到的文件等, 拉梅什纳塔拉詹:这是我的照片中的可爱的小女儿。她很高兴地发现在加州长滩水族馆海狮。
To find the files based up on the content modification time, the option -mmin, and -mtime is used. Following is the definition of mmin and mtime from man page.
Following example will find files in the current directory and sub-directories, whose content got updated within last 1 hour (60 minutes)
# find . -mmin -60
In the same way, following example finds all the files (under root file system /) that got updated within the last 24 hours (1 day).
# find / -mtime -1
To find the files based up on the file access time, the option -amin, and -atime is used. Following is the definition of amin and atime from find man page.
Following example will find files in the current directory and sub-directories, which got accessed within last 1 hour (60 minutes)
# find -amin -60
In the same way, following example finds all the files (under root file system /) that got accessed within the last 24 hours (1 day).
# find / -atime -1
想要通过文件修改时间找出文件,可以使用参数 -mmin -mtime。下面是man手册中有关mmin和mtime的定义。
# find . -mmin -60
同样的方式,执行下面例子中的命令,将会找到24小时(1天)内修改了的文件(文件系统根目录 / 下)
# find / -mtime -1
想要通过文件访问时间找出文件,可以使用参数 -amin -atime。下面是man手册中有关amin和atime的定义。
# find . -amin -60
同样的方式,执行下面例子中的命令,将会找到24小时(1天)内被访问了的文件(文件系统根目录 / 下)
# find / -atime -1
To find the files based up on the file inode change time, the option -cmin, and -ctime is used. Following is the definition of cmin and ctime from find man page.
Following example will find files in the current directory and sub-directories, which changed within last 1 hour (60 minutes)
# find . -cmin -60
In the same way, following example finds all the files (under root file system /) that got changed within the last 24 hours (1 day).
# find / -ctime -1
The above find command’s will also show the directories because directories gets accessed when the file inside it gets accessed. But if you want only the files to be displayed then give -type f in the find command as
The following find command displays files that are accessed in the last 30 minutes.
# find /etc/sysconfig -amin -30 . ./console ./network-scripts ./i18n ./rhn ./rhn/clientCaps.d ./networking ./networking/profiles ./networking/profiles/default ./networking/profiles/default/resolv.conf ./networking/profiles/default/hosts ./networking/devices ./apm-scripts [Note: The above output contains both files and directories] # find /etc/sysconfig -amin -30 -type f ./i18n ./networking/profiles/default/resolv.conf ./networking/profiles/default/hosts [Note: The above output contains only files]
# find . -cmin -60
# find / -ctime -1
上面的例子搜索出来不仅仅有文件,还会显示文件夹。因为当一个文件被访问的时候,它所处的文件夹也会被访问,如果你对文件夹不感兴趣,那么可以使用 -type f 选项
# find /etc/sysconfig -amin -30 . ./console ./network-scripts ./i18n ./rhn ./rhn/clientCaps.d ./networking ./networking/profiles ./networking/profiles/default ./networking/profiles/default/resolv.conf ./networking/profiles/default/hosts ./networking/devices ./apm-scripts [注: 上面的输出包含了文件和文件夹] # find /etc/sysconfig -amin -30 -type f ./i18n ./networking/profiles/default/resolv.conf ./networking/profiles/default/hosts [注: 上面的输出仅仅包含文件]
When we don’t want the hidden files to be listed in the find output, we can use the following regex.
The below find displays the files which are modified in the last 15 minutes. And it lists only the unhidden files. i.e hidden files that starts with a . (period) are not displayed in the find output.
# find . -mmin -15 \( ! -regex ".*/\..*" \)
Human mind can remember things better by reference such as, i want to find files which i edited after editing the file “test”. You can find files by referring to the other files modification as like the following.
Syntax: find -newer FILE
Following example displays all the files which are modified after the /etc/passwd files was modified. This is helpful, if you want to track all the activities you’ve done after adding a new user.
# find -newer /etc/passwd
Syntax: find -anewer FILE
Following example displays all the files which are accessed after modifying /etc/hosts. If you remember adding an entry to the /etc/hosts and would like to see all the files that you’ve accessed since then, use the following command.
# find -anewer /etc/hosts
例5: 仅仅查找非隐藏的文件(不显示隐藏文件):
# find . -mmin -15 \( ! -regex ".*/\..*" \)
例6: 查找文件修改时间在某一文件修改后的文件:
语法: find -newer FILE
下面的例子显示在/etc/passwd修改之后被修改过的文件。对于系统管理员,想知道你新增了一个用户后去跟踪系统的活动状态是很有帮助的(万一那新用户不老实,一上来就乱搞,你很快就知道了 ^_^):
# find -newer /etc/passwd
# find -newer /etc/passwd
# find -anewer /etc/hosts
Syntax: find -cnewer FILE
Following example displays all the files whose status got changed after modifying the /etc/fstab. If you remember adding a mount point in the /etc/fstab and would like to know all the files who status got changed since then, use the following command.
find -cnewer /etc/fstab
We have looked at many different ways of finding files using find command in this article and also in our previous article. If you are not familiar in finding files in different ways, i strongly recommend you to read the part 1.
This section explains about how to do different operation on the files from the find command. i.e how to manipulate the files returned by the find command output.
We can specify any operation on the files found from find command.
find <CONDITION to Find files> -exec <OPERATION> \;
The OPERATION can be anything such as:
语法: find -cnewer FILE
# find -cnewer /etc/fstab
# find <CONDITION to Find files> -exec <OPERATION> \;
# find -mmin -60 ./cron ./secure # find -mmin -60 -exec ls -l {} \; -rw------- 1 root root 1028 Jun 21 15:01 ./cron -rw------- 1 root root 831752 Jun 21 15:42 ./secure
System administrators would want to search in the root file system, but not in the other mounted partitions. When you have multiple partitions mounted, and if you want to search in /. You can do the following.
Following command will search for *.log files starting from /. i.e If you have multiple partitions mounted under / (root), the following command will search all those mounted partitions.
# find / -name "*.log"
This will search for the file only in the current file system. Following is the xdev definition from find man page:
Following command will search for *.log files starting from / (root) and only in the current file system. i.e If you have multiple partitions mounted under / (root), the following command will NOT search all those mounted partitions.
# find / -xdev -name "*.log"
# find -mmin -60 ./cron ./secure # find -mmin -60 -exec ls -l {} \; -rw------- 1 root root 1028 Jun 21 15:01 ./cron -rw------- 1 root root 831752 Jun 21 15:42 ./secure
# find / -name "*.log"如果我们使用-xdev选项,那么仅仅会在在当前文件系统中搜索,下面是在xdev的man page上面找到的一段-xdev的定义:
# find / -xdev -name "*.log"
Manual says only one instance of the {} is possible. But you can use more than one {} in the same command as shown below.
# find -name "*.txt" cp {} {}.bkup \;
Using this {} in the same command is possible but using it in different command it is not possible, say you want to rename the files as following, which will not give the expected result.
find -name "*.txt" -exec mv {} `basename {} .htm`.html \;
You can simulate it by writing a shell script as shown below.
# mv "$1" "`basename "$1" .htm`.html"
These double quotes are to handle spaces in file name. And then call that shell script from the find command as shown below.
find -name "*.html" -exec ./mv.sh '{}' \;
So for any reason if you want the same file name to be used more than once then writing the simple shell script and passing the file names as argument is the simplest way to do it.
例11: 在同一个命令中使用多个{}
# find -name "*.txt" cp {} {}.bkup \;
find -name "*.txt" -exec mv {} `basename {} .htm`.html \;例12: 使用多个{}实例
# mv "$1" "`basename "$1" .htm`.html"上面的双引号是为了防止文件名中出现的空格,不加的话会有问题。然后你把这个shell脚本保存为mv.sh,你可以像下面这样使用find命令了
find -name "*.html" -exec ./mv.sh '{}' \;所以,任何情况下你在find命令执行中想使用同一个文件名多次的话,先写一个脚本,然后在find中通过-exec执行这个脚本,把文件名参数传递进去就行,这是最简单的办法
Redirecting the errors is not a good practice. An experienced user understands the importance of getting the error printed on terminal and fix it.
Particularly in find command redirecting the errors is not a good practice. But if you don’t want to see the errors and would like to redirect it to null do it as shown below.
find -name "*.txt" 2>>/dev/null
Sometimes this may be helpful. For example, if you are trying to find all the *.conf file under / (root) from your account, you may get lot of “Permission denied” error message as shown below.
$ find / -name "*.conf" /sbin/generate-modprobe.conf find: /tmp/orbit-root: Permission denied find: /tmp/ssh-gccBMp5019: Permission denied find: /tmp/keyring-5iqiGo: Permission denied find: /var/log/httpd: Permission denied find: /var/log/ppp: Permission denied /boot/grub/grub.conf find: /var/log/audit: Permission denied find: /var/log/squid: Permission denied find: /var/log/samba: Permission denied find: /var/cache/alchemist/printconf.rpm/wm: Permission denied [Note: There are two valid *.conf files burned in the "Permission denied" messages]
So, if you want to just view the real output of the find command and not the “Permission denied” error message you can redirect the error message to /dev/null as shown below.
$ find / -name "*.conf" 2>>/dev/null /sbin/generate-modprobe.conf /boot/grub/grub.conf [Note: All the "Permission denied" messages are not displayed]
例13: 将错误重定向到/dev/nul
尤其是在find命令中重定向错误不是个好的实践。 但是如果你确实不想看到那些烦人的错误,想把错误都重定向到null设备中(也就是linux上的黑洞装置,任何丢进去的东西消失的无影无踪了)。你可以像下面这样做
find -name "*.txt" 2>>/dev/null有时候这是很有用的。比如,如果你想通过你自己的账号在/目录下查找所有的*.conf文件,你会得到很多很多的"Permission denied"的错误消息, 就像下面这样:
$ find / -name "*.conf" /sbin/generate-modprobe.conf find: /tmp/orbit-root: Permission denied find: /tmp/ssh-gccBMp5019: Permission denied find: /tmp/keyring-5iqiGo: Permission denied find: /var/log/httpd: Permission denied find: /var/log/ppp: Permission denied /boot/grub/grub.conf find: /var/log/audit: Permission denied find: /var/log/squid: Permission denied find: /var/log/samba: Permission denied find: /var/cache/alchemist/printconf.rpm/wm: Permission denied [Note: There are two valid *.conf files burned in the "Permission denied" messages]你说烦人不?所以,如果你只想看到find命令真实的查找结果而不是这些"Permission denied"错误消息,你可以将这些错误消息重定向到/dev/null中去
$ find / -name "*.conf" 2>>/dev/null /sbin/generate-modprobe.conf /boot/grub/grub.conf [Note: All the "Permission denied" messages are not displayed]
Audio files you download from internet mostly come with the spaces in it. But having space in the file name is not so good for Linux kind of systems. You can use the find and rename command combination as shown below to rename the files, by substituting the space with underscore.
The following replaces space in all the *.mp3 files with _
$ find . -type f -iname “*.mp3″ -exec rename “s/ /_/g” {} \;
As shown in the examples of the find command in its manual page, the following is the syntax which can be used to execute two commands in single traversal.
The following find command example, traverse the filesystem just once, listing setuid files and directories into /root/suid.txt and large files into /root/big.txt.
# find / \( -perm -4000 -fprintf /root/suid.txt '%#m %u %p\n' \) , \ \( -size +100M -fprintf /root/big.txt '%-10s %p\n' \)
例14: 将文件名中的空格换成下划线
$ find . -type f -iname “*.mp3″ -exec rename “s/ /_/g” {} \;例15: 在find结果中同时执行两条命令
在find的man page页面中,下面是一次文件查找遍历中使用两条命令的语法举例
下面的find命令的例子,遍历文件系统一次,列出拥有setuid属性的文件和目录,写入/root/suid.txt文件, 如果文件大小超过100M,将其记录到/root/big.txt中
# find / \( -perm -4000 -fprintf /root/suid.txt '%#m %u %p\n' \) , \ \( -size +100M -fprintf /root/big.txt '%-10s %p\n' \)