Today Context 正在参加 2021 年度 OSC 中国开源项目评选,请投票支持!
Today Context 在 2021 年度 OSC 中国开源项目评选 中已获得 {{ projectVoteCount }} 票,请投票支持!
2021 年度 OSC 中国开源项目评选 正在火热进行中,快来投票支持你喜欢的开源项目!
2021 年度 OSC 中国开源项目评选 >>> 中场回顾
Today Context 获得 2021 年度 OSC 中国开源项目评选「最佳人气项目」 !
授权协议 GPL
开发语言 Java
操作系统 跨平台
软件类型 开源软件
所属分类 Web应用开发Web框架
地区 国产
适用人群 未知
收录时间 2019-11-25


TODAY Context 是一个轻量级依赖注入框架。



  • 使用@Component
  • 任意注解只要注解上有@Component注解就会标识为一个Bean不论多少层
@Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
public @interface Component {
    /** @return bean name */
    String[] value() default {};

    /** @return bean's scope */
    Scope scope() default Scope.SINGLETON;

    String[] initMethods() default {};

    String[] destroyMethods() default {};



@Component(scope = Scope.SINGLETON)
@Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
public @interface Singleton {

    // bean name
    String[] value() default {};

    String[] initMethods() default {};

    String[] destroyMethods() default {};


@Component(scope = Scope.PROTOTYPE)
@Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
public @interface Prototype {

    // bean name
    String[] value() default {};

    String[] initMethods() default {};

    String[] destroyMethods() default {};


@Component(scope = Scope.SINGLETON)
public @interface Configuration {



@Component(scope = Scope.SINGLETON)
@Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
public @interface Service {

    String[] value() default {};// bean names


  • 使用@Autowired注入
  • 使用@Resource注入
  • 使用@Inject注入
  • 可自定义注解和实现PropertyValueResolver
public interface PropertyValueResolver {

    default boolean supports(Field field) {
        return false;
    PropertyValue resolveProperty(Field field) throws ContextException;
  • 注入示例:
public class LoginController implements Constant, ServletContextAware {

    private String contextPath;
    private UserService userService;
    private BloggerService bloggerService;

    public String login(@Cookie String email, String forward, Model model) {

        model.attribute(KEY_EMAIL, email);
        model.attribute("forward", forward);

        return "/login/index";

    @Logger(value = "登录", //
            content = "email:[${email}] " //
                    + "passwd:[${passwd}] "//
                    + "input code:[${randCode}] "//
                    + "in session:[${randCodeInSession}] "//
                    + "forward to:[${forward}] "//
                    + "msg:[${redirectModel.attribute('msg')}]"//
    public String login(HttpSession session,
            @Cookie(KEY_EMAIL) String emailInCookie,
            @RequestParam(required = true) String email,
            @RequestParam(required = true) String passwd,
            @RequestParam(required = true) String randCode,
            @RequestParam(required = false) String forward,
            @Session(RAND_CODE) String randCodeInSession, RedirectModel redirectModel) //

        if (!randCode.equalsIgnoreCase(randCodeInSession)) {
            redirectModel.attribute(KEY_MSG, "验证码错误!");
            redirectModel.attribute(KEY_EMAIL, email);
            redirectModel.attribute(KEY_FORWARD, forward);
            return redirectLogin(forward);

        User loginUser = userService.login(new User().setEmail(email));
        if (loginUser == null) {
            redirectModel.attribute(KEY_EMAIL, email);
            redirectModel.attribute(KEY_FORWARD, forward);
            redirectModel.attribute(KEY_MSG, email + " 账号不存在!");
            return redirectLogin(forward);
     // 😋 略
    public String logout(HttpSession session) {
        return "redirect:/index";

    public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) {
        this.contextPath = servletContext.getContextPath();
  • 实现原理
public class AutowiredPropertyResolver implements PropertyValueResolver {

    private static final Class<? extends Annotation> NAMED_CLASS = ClassUtils.loadClass("javax.inject.Named");
    private static final Class<? extends Annotation> INJECT_CLASS = ClassUtils.loadClass("javax.inject.Inject");

    public boolean supports(Field field) {
        return field.isAnnotationPresent(Autowired.class)
                || field.isAnnotationPresent(Resource.class)
                || (NAMED_CLASS != null && field.isAnnotationPresent(NAMED_CLASS))
                || (INJECT_CLASS != null && field.isAnnotationPresent(INJECT_CLASS));
	public PropertyValue resolveProperty(Field field) {
	    final Autowired autowired = field.getAnnotation(Autowired.class); // auto wired
	    String name = null;
	    boolean required = true;
	    final Class<?> propertyClass = field.getType();
	    if (autowired != null) {
	        name = autowired.value();
	        required = autowired.required();
	    else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Resource.class)) {
	        name = field.getAnnotation(Resource.class).name(); // Resource.class
	    else if (NAMED_CLASS != null && field.isAnnotationPresent(NAMED_CLASS)) {// @Named
	        name = ClassUtils.getAnnotationAttributes(NAMED_CLASS, field).getString(Constant.VALUE);
	    } // @Inject or name is empty
	    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
	        name = byType(propertyClass);
	    return new PropertyValue(new BeanReference(name, required, propertyClass), field);



// cn.taketoday.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
public class DispatcherServlet implements Servlet, Serializable {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DispatcherServlet.class);

    /** exception resolver */
    private final ExceptionResolver exceptionResolver;
    /** Action mapping registry */
    private final HandlerMappingRegistry handlerMappingRegistry;
    /** intercepter registry */
    private final HandlerInterceptorRegistry handlerInterceptorRegistry;

    private final WebServletApplicationContext applicationContext;

    private ServletConfig servletConfig;

    public DispatcherServlet(//
            ExceptionResolver exceptionResolver, //
            HandlerMappingRegistry handlerMappingRegistry, //
            WebServletApplicationContext applicationContext,
            HandlerInterceptorRegistry handlerInterceptorRegistry) //
        if (exceptionResolver == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("You must provide an 'exceptionResolver'");
        this.exceptionResolver = exceptionResolver;

        this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
        this.handlerMappingRegistry = handlerMappingRegistry;
        this.handlerInterceptorRegistry = handlerInterceptorRegistry;

    public static RequestContext prepareContext(final ServletRequest request, final ServletResponse response) {
        return RequestContextHolder.prepareContext(//
                new ServletRequestContext((HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse) response)//

    public void service(final ServletRequest req, final ServletResponse res) //
            throws ServletException, IOException //
        // Lookup handler mapping
        final HandlerMapping mapping = lookupHandlerMapping((HttpServletRequest) req);

        if (mapping == null) {
            ((HttpServletResponse) res).sendError(404);

        final RequestContext context = prepareContext(req, res);
        try {

            final Object result;
            // Handler Method
            final HandlerMethod method;// = requestMapping.getHandlerMethod();
            if (mapping.hasInterceptor()) {
                // get intercepter s
                final int[] its = mapping.getInterceptors();
                // invoke intercepter
                final HandlerInterceptorRegistry registry = getHandlerInterceptorRegistry();
                for (final int i : its) {
                    if (!registry.get(i).beforeProcess(context, mapping)) {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("Interceptor: [{}] return false", registry.get(i));
                result = invokeHandler(context, method = mapping.getHandlerMethod(), mapping);
                for (final int i : its) {
                    registry.get(i).afterProcess(context, mapping, result);
            else {
                result = invokeHandler(context, method = mapping.getHandlerMethod(), mapping);

            method.resolveResult(context, result);
        catch (Throwable e) {
            ResultUtils.resolveException(context, exceptionResolver, mapping, e);

    protected Object invokeHandler(final RequestContext request,
            final HandlerMethod method, final HandlerMapping mapping) throws Throwable //
        // log.debug("set parameter start");
        return method.getMethod()//
                .invoke(mapping.getBean(), method.resolveParameters(request)); // invoke

    protected HandlerMapping lookupHandlerMapping(final HttpServletRequest req) {
        // The key of handler
        String uri = req.getMethod() + req.getRequestURI();

        final HandlerMappingRegistry registry = getHandlerMappingRegistry();
        final Integer i = registry.getIndex(uri); // index of handler mapping
        if (i == null) {
            // path variable
            uri = StringUtils.decodeUrl(uri);// decode
            for (final RegexMapping regex : registry.getRegexMappings()) {
                // TODO path matcher pathMatcher.match(requestURI, requestURI)
                if (regex.pattern.matcher(uri).matches()) {
                    return registry.get(regex.index);
            log.debug("NOT FOUND -> [{}]", uri);
            return null;
        return registry.get(i.intValue());

    public void init(ServletConfig servletConfig) throws ServletException {
        this.servletConfig = servletConfig;

    public ServletConfig getServletConfig() {
        return servletConfig;

    public String getServletName() {
        return "DispatcherServlet";

    public String getServletInfo() {
        return "DispatcherServlet, Copyright © TODAY & 2017 - 2019 All Rights Reserved";

    public void destroy() {

        if (applicationContext != null) {
            final State state = applicationContext.getState();

            if (state != State.CLOSING && state != State.CLOSED) {


                final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(Constant.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);//
                final String msg = new StringBuffer()//
                        .append("Your application destroyed at: [")//
                        .append(dateFormat.format(new Date()))//
                        .append("] on startup date: [")//


    public final HandlerInterceptorRegistry getHandlerInterceptorRegistry() {
        return this.handlerInterceptorRegistry;

    public final HandlerMappingRegistry getHandlerMappingRegistry() {
        return this.handlerMappingRegistry;

    public final ExceptionResolver getExceptionResolver() {
        return this.exceptionResolver;


@Props(prefix = "web.mvc.view.")
@MissingBean(value = Constant.VIEW_RESOLVER, type = ViewResolver.class)
public class FreeMarkerViewResolver extends AbstractViewResolver implements InitializingBean, WebMvcConfiguration {

    private final ObjectWrapper wrapper;

    private final Configuration configuration;
    private final TaglibFactory taglibFactory;
    private final TemplateLoader templateLoader;
    private final ServletContextHashModel applicationModel;

    public FreeMarkerViewResolver(Configuration configuration, //
            TaglibFactory taglibFactory, TemplateLoader templateLoader, Properties settings) //
        this(new DefaultObjectWrapper(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_28), //
                configuration, taglibFactory, templateLoader, settings);

    public FreeMarkerViewResolver(//
            @Autowired(required = false) ObjectWrapper wrapper, //
            @Autowired(required = false) Configuration configuration, //
            @Autowired(required = false) TaglibFactory taglibFactory, //
            @Autowired(required = false) TemplateLoader templateLoader, //
            @Props(prefix = "freemarker.", replace = true) Properties settings) //

        WebServletApplicationContext webApplicationContext = //
                (WebServletApplicationContext) WebUtils.getWebApplicationContext();

        if (configuration == null) {
            configuration = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_28);
            webApplicationContext.registerSingleton(configuration.getClass().getName(), configuration);

        this.configuration = configuration;
        if (wrapper == null) {
            wrapper = new DefaultObjectWrapper(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_28);
        this.wrapper = wrapper;
        ServletContext servletContext = webApplicationContext.getServletContext();
        if (taglibFactory == null) {
            taglibFactory = new TaglibFactory(servletContext);
        this.taglibFactory = taglibFactory;
        // Create hash model wrapper for servlet context (the application)
        this.applicationModel = new ServletContextHashModel(servletContext, wrapper);


        this.templateLoader = templateLoader;
        try {
            if (settings != null && !settings.isEmpty()) {
        catch (TemplateException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Set FreeMarker's Properties Error, With Msg: [" + e.getMessage() + "]", e);

     * Use {@link afterPropertiesSet}
     * @since 2.3.3
    public void afterPropertiesSet() throws ConfigurationException {

        if (templateLoader == null) {
            this.configuration.setServletContextForTemplateLoading(servletContext, prefix); // prefix -> /WEB-INF/..
        else {
        LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).info("Configuration FreeMarker View Resolver Success.");

    public void configureParameterResolver(List<ParameterResolver> resolvers) {

        resolvers.add(new DelegatingParameterResolver((m) -> m.isAssignableFrom(Configuration.class), //
                (ctx, m) -> configuration//

        resolvers.add(new DelegatingParameterResolver((m) -> m.isAnnotationPresent(SharedVariable.class), (ctx, m) -> {
            final TemplateModel sharedVariable = configuration.getSharedVariable(m.getName());

            if (m.isInstance(sharedVariable)) {
                return sharedVariable;

            if (sharedVariable instanceof WrapperTemplateModel) {
                final Object wrappedObject = ((WrapperTemplateModel) sharedVariable).getWrappedObject();
                if (m.isInstance(wrappedObject)) {
                    return wrappedObject;
                throw ExceptionUtils.newConfigurationException(null, "Not a instance of: " + m.getParameterClass());
            return null;


     * Create Model Attributes.
     * @param requestContext
     *            Current request context
     * @return {@link TemplateHashModel}
    protected TemplateHashModel createModel(RequestContext requestContext) {
        final ObjectWrapper wrapper = this.wrapper;

        final HttpServletRequest request = requestContext.nativeRequest();

        final AllHttpScopesHashModel allHttpScopesHashModel = //
                new AllHttpScopesHashModel(wrapper, servletContext, request);

        allHttpScopesHashModel.putUnlistedModel(FreemarkerServlet.KEY_JSP_TAGLIBS, taglibFactory);
        allHttpScopesHashModel.putUnlistedModel(FreemarkerServlet.KEY_APPLICATION, applicationModel);
        // Create hash model wrapper for request
        allHttpScopesHashModel.putUnlistedModel(FreemarkerServlet.KEY_REQUEST, new HttpRequestHashModel(request, wrapper));
        allHttpScopesHashModel.putUnlistedModel(FreemarkerServlet.KEY_REQUEST_PARAMETERS, new HttpRequestParametersHashModel(request));
        // Create hash model wrapper for session
                new HttpSessionHashModel(requestContext.nativeSession(), wrapper));

        return allHttpScopesHashModel;

     * Resolve FreeMarker View.
    public void resolveView(final String template, final RequestContext requestContext) throws Throwable {

        configuration.getTemplate(template + suffix, locale, encoding)//
                .process(createModel(requestContext), requestContext.getWriter());

使用@Props 注入Properties或Bean

  • 构造器
    public PropsBean(@Props(prefix = "site.") Bean bean) {
    public PropsBean(@Props(prefix = "site.") Properties properties) {
    public PropsBean(@Props(prefix = "site.") Map properties) {
  • Field
    @Props(prefix = "site.")
    Bean bean;
    @Props(prefix = "site.")
    Map properties;
    @Props(prefix = "site.") 
    Properties properties
  • 实现原理
@Order(Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE - 2)
public class PropsPropertyResolver implements PropertyValueResolver {

    public boolean supports(Field field) {
        return field.isAnnotationPresent(Props.class);


使用@Value 支持EL表达式

  • @Props一样同样支持构造器,Field注入
  • #{key} 和Environment#getProperty(String key, Class targetType)效果一样
  • ${1+1} 支持EL表达式
public class WebMvc implements WebMvcConfiguration {

    private final String serverPath;

    public WebMvc(@Value("#{site.serverPath}") String serverPath) {
        this.serverPath = serverPath;
    public void configureResourceMappings(ResourceMappingRegistry registry) {

//                .enableGzip()//
//                .gzipMinLength(10240)//
                // G:\Projects\Git\today-technology\blog



                .addLocations("file:///" + serverPath + "/upload/");





@Props(prefix = { "redis.pool.", "redis." })
public class RedisConfiguration {

    private int maxIdle;
    private int minIdle;
    private int timeout;
    private int maxTotal;

    private int database;
    private String address;

    private String password;
    private String clientName;

    private int connectTimeout;

    public Codec codec() {
        return new FstCodec();
//  @Singleton("limitLock")
//  public Lock limitLock(Redisson redisson) {
//      return redisson.getLock("limitLock");
//  }

    @Singleton(destroyMethods = "shutdown")
    public Redisson redisson(@Autowired("fstCodec") Codec codec) {
        Config config = new Config();

        return (Redisson) Redisson.create(config);

    public <T> Queue<T> loggerDetails(Redisson redisson) {
        return new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<T>();

    public Map<Long, Long> cacheViews(Redisson redisson) {
        return redisson.getMap("cacheViews", LongCodec.INSTANCE);

    public Map<Long, Set<Label>> articleLabels(Redisson redisson, @Autowired("fstCodec") Codec codec) {
        return redisson.getMap("articleLabels", codec);

    public Map<String, String> optionsMap(Redisson redisson) {
//      redisson.getKeys().flushdb();
        return redisson.getMap("optionsMap", StringCodec.INSTANCE);

    public List<Category> categories(Redisson redisson, @Autowired("fstCodec") Codec codec) {
        return redisson.getList("categories", codec);

    public Set<Label> labels(Redisson redisson, @Autowired("fstCodec") Codec codec) {
        return redisson.getSet("labels", codec);

    @Value(value = "#{limit.time.out}", required = false)
    private int limitTimeOut = Constant.ACCESS_TIME_OUT;

    public Map<String, Long> limitCache(Redisson redisson) {
        final RMapCache<String, Long> mapCache = redisson.getMapCache("limitCache", LongCodec.INSTANCE);
        mapCache.expire(limitTimeOut, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        return mapCache;



package test.context;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;

import org.junit.Test;

import cn.taketoday.context.ApplicationContext;
import cn.taketoday.context.StandardApplicationContext;
import cn.taketoday.context.annotation.Singleton;
import cn.taketoday.context.bean.BeanDefinition;
import cn.taketoday.context.factory.DisposableBean;
import cn.taketoday.context.factory.InitializingBean;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

 * @author TODAY <br>
 *         2019-07-25 22:44
public class LifecycleBean //
        implements DisposableBean, BeanNameAware,
        InitializingBean, BeanFactoryAware,
        EnvironmentAware, ApplicationContextAware {

    public void setBeanName(String name) {"setBeanName: {}", name);

    public void setEnvironment(Environment environment) {"setEnvironment: {}", environment);

    public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) {"setBeanFactory: {}", beanFactory);

    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {"setApplicationContext: {}", applicationContext);

    public void initData() {"@PostConstruct");

    public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {"afterPropertiesSet");

    public void preDestroy() {"preDestroy");

    public void destroy() throws Exception {"destroy");

    public void testLifecycle() {

        final Set<Class<?>> beans = new HashSet<>();
        try (final ApplicationContext applicationContext = new StandardApplicationContext("")) {


            Map<String, BeanDefinition> beanDefinitionsMap = applicationContext.getEnvironment().getBeanDefinitionRegistry().getBeanDefinitions();


2019-07-25 23:14:37.712  INFO - [            main] c.t.context.AbstractApplicationContext    150 - Starting Application Context at [2019-07-25 23:14:37.707].
2019-07-25 23:14:37.751  INFO - [            main] c.t.context.env.StandardEnvironment       236 - Found Properties Resource: [file:/G:/Projects/Git/github/today-context/target/test-classes/]
2019-07-25 23:14:37.771  INFO - [            main] c.t.context.env.StandardEnvironment       129 - Active profiles: [test, dev]
2019-07-25 23:14:37.858 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.AbstractApplicationContext    325 - Loading Application Listeners.
2019-07-25 23:14:37.896 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.AbstractApplicationContext    480 - Publish event: [cn.taketoday.context.event.BeanDefinitionLoadingEvent]
2019-07-25 23:14:37.918 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.AbstractApplicationContext    480 - Publish event: [cn.taketoday.context.event.LoadingMissingBeanEvent]
2019-07-25 23:14:37.921 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.AbstractApplicationContext    480 - Publish event: [cn.taketoday.context.event.BeanDefinitionLoadedEvent]
2019-07-25 23:14:37.922 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.AbstractApplicationContext    480 - Publish event: [cn.taketoday.context.event.DependenciesHandledEvent]
2019-07-25 23:14:37.923 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.factory.AbstractBeanFactory   581 - Start loading BeanPostProcessor.
2019-07-25 23:14:37.926 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.AbstractApplicationContext    480 - Publish event: [cn.taketoday.context.event.ContextPreRefreshEvent]
2019-07-25 23:14:37.927 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.AbstractApplicationContext    480 - Publish event: [cn.taketoday.context.event.ContextRefreshEvent]
2019-07-25 23:14:37.928 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.factory.AbstractBeanFactory  1002 - Initialization of singleton objects.
2019-07-25 23:14:37.929 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.factory.AbstractBeanFactory   651 - Initializing bean named: [lifecycleBean].
2019-07-25 23:14:37.929  INFO - [            main] test.context.LifecycleBean                 59 - setBeanName: lifecycleBean
2019-07-25 23:14:37.930  INFO - [            main] test.context.LifecycleBean                 69 - setBeanFactory: cn.taketoday.context.factory.StandardBeanFactory@5ce81285
2019-07-25 23:14:37.930  INFO - [            main] test.context.LifecycleBean                 74 - setApplicationContext: cn.taketoday.context.StandardApplicationContext@78c03f1f
2019-07-25 23:14:37.930  INFO - [            main] test.context.LifecycleBean                 64 - setEnvironment: cn.taketoday.context.env.StandardEnvironment@5ec0a365
2019-07-25 23:14:37.931  INFO - [            main] test.context.LifecycleBean                 79 - @PostConstruct
2019-07-25 23:14:37.931  INFO - [            main] test.context.LifecycleBean                 84 - afterPropertiesSet
2019-07-25 23:14:37.931 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.factory.AbstractBeanFactory   511 - Singleton bean is being stored in the name of [lifecycleBean]
2019-07-25 23:14:37.932 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.factory.AbstractBeanFactory  1008 - The singleton objects are initialized.
2019-07-25 23:14:37.932 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.AbstractApplicationContext    480 - Publish event: [cn.taketoday.context.event.ContextStartedEvent]
2019-07-25 23:14:37.941  INFO - [            main] c.t.context.AbstractApplicationContext    210 - Application Context Startup in 234ms
    "beanClass":"class test.context.LifecycleBean",
    "initMethods":"[public void test.context.LifecycleBean.initData()]",
2019-07-25 23:14:37.943 DEBUG - [            main] c.t.context.AbstractApplicationContext    480 - Publish event: [cn.taketoday.context.event.ContextCloseEvent]
context is closing
2019-07-25 23:14:37.945  INFO - [            main] c.t.c.listener.ContextCloseListener        52 - Closing: [cn.taketoday.context.StandardApplicationContext@78c03f1f] at [2019-07-25 23:14:37.943]
2019-07-25 23:14:37.947  INFO - [            main] test.context.LifecycleBean                 89 - preDestroy
2019-07-25 23:14:37.947  INFO - [            main] test.context.LifecycleBean                 94 - destroy




的 Gitee 指数为
超过 的项目


点击引领话题📣 发布并加入讨论🔥
{{o.pubDate | formatDate}}


{{parseInt(o.replyCount) | bigNumberTransform}}
{{parseInt(o.viewCount) | bigNumberTransform}}
{{o.pubDate | formatDate}}


{{parseInt(o.replyCount) | bigNumberTransform}}
{{parseInt(o.viewCount) | bigNumberTransform}}
0 评论
2 收藏