1. URL参数能够直接绑定至Bean的属性或方法的参数。
2. 配置直接采用Java编码或注释,不需要额外配置文件。
3. URL映射匹配规则简单。
4. 能够很方便集成到Web应用程序中,只要将jurlmap提供的过滤器 Filter加到项目就可以。
URL 配置方法:
protected void configure() {
// In this pattern $ means a string, which when matched
// is bound to parameter `Username` and control forwarded to profile.jsp
// Parameter will be accessible via request.getParameter()
forward("/profile.jsp", "/profile/$Username");
// Here % means integer pattern and * means until end of the pattern.
// Binds integers to parameter ArticleId and forwards to article.jsp
forward("/article.jsp", "/article/%ArticleId/*");
// When matched will send a redirect back to browser and parameters
// are appended to query string so in this case the target will
// be `/servlets/profileservlet?Username=...`
redirect("/servlets/profileservlet", "/member/$Username");
// On match creates an instanc eof LoginPage and calls it's service method
// LoginPage class implements com.pagegoblin.jurlmap.Page.
// If it is annotated with a @Deploy(url) annotation
// the we don't need to pass a url to the deploy method.
// In this case parameters are bound to bean properties or fields
// of the newly created LoginPage instance.