jHelperTip is intended to be useful in many situations such as hovering tip and clickable tips. It can get data from a container, through Ajax or even the attributes of the current object.
The API and Default Values
$.fn.jHelperTip.defaults = {
trigger: "click",
topOff: 3,
leftOff: 10,
source: "container",
attrName: '',
ttC: "#jHelperTipContainer", /* tooltip Container*/
dC: "#jHelperTipDataContainer", /* data Container */
aC: "#jHelperTipAttrContainer", /* attr Container */
opacity: 1.0,
loadingImg: "ajax-loader.gif",
loadingText: "Loading...",
type: "GET", /* data can be inline or CSS selector */
//url: '',
//data: '',
autoClose: true
Explanation of the Options:
trigger: "click" or "hover" to trigger the tooltip
topOff: top offset from mouse pointer
leftOff: left offset from mouse pointer
source: can be "container", "ajax" or "attribute", container is an container in current page, ajax loads from another page, attribute will read the attribute of current object.
attrName: the attribute that you want to pass the data from (only works if your source is attribute)
ttC: tooltip container (define a container to position your tooltip and receive data from ajax), will create if container not found use "#container" and not "container"
dC: data container for same page container (only works if your source is container)
aC: attribute data container (only works if your source is attribute)
opacity: opacity of the tooltips
loadingImg: the loading image indicator in Ajax calls (only works if your source is ajax)
loadingText: the loading text indicator in Ajax calls (only works if your source is ajax)
type: "GET" or "POST" (only works if your source is ajax)
url: The address of the page that you are fetching from (only works if your source is ajax)
data: data passed to the ajax request (only works if your source is ajax)
autoClose: true or false, specify if explicit action is needed to close the tooltip
trigger: "click",
autoClose: false,
opacity: 0.9
Matt is doing something dangerous
click here to close
1. Involving or filled with danger; perilous.
2. Being able or likely to do harm.