Guides, Cheat Sheets and Examples
By: Dan Levy follow me on twitter: @justsml
- docker
- example-server-commands start popular DB servers with 1-liners
- express
- setup-guide 2 minute: REST server w/ 1-2 files
- interviews
- javascript
- syntax-cheat-sheet JS real good
- promises that never break
- fetch-ajax-examples for HTTPing #allthethings
- error-handling map outta hell
- avoiding-null-errors high-level notes
- mapping
- google-geocoder address to lat & long (w/ promise constructor example)
- mongodb seed script
- mongoose-seeds mongoose seed script
- monk-seeds monk seed script
- resources
- online-editors repls to full IDE (VS Code online)
- vs-code tips, shortcuts and cheat sheet
- tooling
- eslint code auto-formatting setup guide
- screen-recording free tools to create GIFs to live streaming