Botlib 是一个用于编写 Telegram 机器人的 C 框架。它主要由两部分组成:
- Telegram bot API 子集的实现,封装在事件循环中,等待来自 Telegram API 的事件并在新线程的上下文中调用我们的回调。实现机器人的回调可以访问各种 API 以在 Telegram 中执行操作。
- Sqlite3、JSON 和动态字符串(SDS 库)的一组更高级别的包装器。
/* ... standard includes here ... */
#include "botlib.h"
/* For each bot command, private message or group message (but this only works
* if the bot is set as group admin), this function is called in a new thread,
* with its private state, sqlite database handle and so forth.
* For group messages, this function is ONLY called if one of the patterns
* specified as "triggers" in startBot() matched the message. Otherwise we
* would spawn threads too often :) */
void handleRequest(sqlite3 *dbhandle, BotRequest *br) {
char buf[256];
char *where = br->type == TB_TYPE_PRIVATE ? "privately" : "publicly";
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "I just %s received: %s", where, br->request);
int64_t sent_chat_id, sent_message_id;
printf("Sent message IDs: chat_id:%lld message_id:%lld\n",
(long long) sent_chat_id, (long long) sent_message_id);
/* Edit message after 1 second. */
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "I just %s received: %s :D", where, br->request);
/* Words received in this request. */
for (int j = 0; j < br->argc; j++)
printf("%d. %s | ", j, br->argv[j]);
printf("is was mentioned? %d | ", br->bot_mentioned);
if (br->mentions) {
printf("mentions: ");
for (int j = 0; j < br->num_mentions; j++)
printf("%s, ",br->mentions[j]);
/* Show if the message has a voice file inside. */
if (br->file_type == TB_FILE_TYPE_VOICE_OGG) {
printf("Voice file ID: %s\n", br->file_id);
/* Let's use our key-value store API on top of Sqlite. If the
* user in a Telegram group tells "foo is bar" we will set the
* foo key to bar. Then if somebody write "foo?" and we have an
* associated key, we reply with what "foo" is. */
if (br->argc >= 3 && !strcasecmp(br->argv[1],"is")) {
/* Note that in this case we don't use 0 as "from" field, so
* we are sending a reply to the user, not a general message
* on the channel. */
botSendMessage(br->target,"Ok, I'll remember.",br->msg_id);
int reqlen = strlen(br->request);
if (br->argc == 1 && reqlen && br->request[reqlen-1] == '?') {
char *copy = strdup(br->request);
copy[reqlen-1] = 0;
printf("Looking for key %s\n", copy);
sds res = kvGet(dbhandle,copy);
if (res) {
// This is just called every 1 or 2 seconds. */
void cron(sqlite3 *dbhandle) {
printf("."); fflush(stdout);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
/* Only group messages matching this list of glob patterns
* are passed to the callback. */
static char *triggers[] = {
"Echo *",
"* is *",
startBot(TB_CREATE_KV_STORE, argc, argv, TB_FLAGS_NONE, handleRequest, cron, triggers);
return 0; /* Never reached. */