EventMesh 动态事件驱动的应用程序运行时,能够用动态插件式基础服务对系统进行解耦,支持不同技术栈的混合多云、复杂分布的拓扑结构等广泛用例。以事件驱动为核心,增强事件处理能力,优化编排协调过程,并提供联邦治理机制。为企业实现数字化转型提供了应用进程间通信的全套解决方案,帮助企业降低系统复杂度,节约开发维护成本。
EventMesh v1.8.0 是进入 Apache 孵化后更新的第 7 个版本,继 v1.7.0 版本提供了 workflow 能力后,本次版本最主要的功能特性是,EventMesh Dashboard 提供了与 workflow 的集成与交互,可以通过 EventMesh Dashboard 对 workflow 进行编排与配置,初步实现了界面化的交互设计,如下图所示:
同时,为大家带来了 12 个新增特性,完善修复了 3 个可能的安全问题,具体有哪些,请大家下滑获取。关于使用分布式应用框架进行提效的深度解读、如何实现数据联合治理?等话题的解决方案,欢迎加入社区详细了解!
GitHub repo:https://github.com/apache/incubator-eventmesh
Gitee repo:https://gitee.com/WeBank/EventMesh
小助手 ID:EventMesh
EventMesh v1.8.0 特性
- 特性 #2888 Complete EventCatalog features
- 特性 #2894 Complete Dashboard Workflow Features
- 特性 #2865 Dashboard-add workflow swagger docs
- 特性 #2866 Dashboard-add event catalog swagger docs
- 特性 #2790 Jaeger tracing plugin docs
- 特性 #2867 Dashboard-add workflow controller cmd module
- 特性 #2868 Dashboard-add event catalog controller cmd module
- 特性 #2808 Dashboard-Add event catalogs
- 特性 #2807 Dashboard - Add Workflows
- 特性 #2806 Dashboard - New style for the navigation menu
- 特性 #2789 Jaeger tracing plugin service
- 特性 #2788 Jaeger tracing plugin config
EventMesh v1.8.0 增强
- 增强 #2576 Enhancement of the config management for the project
- 增强 #2894 Optimize workflow save interface
- 增强 #2880 Optimize workflow dashboard controller module
- 增强 #2181 Workflow Feature Implementation: Catalog Management
- 增强 #2180 Workflow Feature Implementation: Workflow Management
- 增强 #2863 eventmesh-server-go module add golangci-lint command in Makefile
- 增强 #2852 optimize code to reduce almost the same code for updating clients and subscriptions in different processor
- 增强 #2702 Some optimizations for collections
- 增强 #2693 SendAsyncEventProcessor judgment blanks can be simplified
- 增强 #2691 Interface methods are public by default so you can remove the public
- 增强 #2642 go sdk common util module add test case
- 增强 #2640 Refine rabbitmq connector unit test
- 增强 #2638 refactor go sdk id module test
- 增强 #2196 Workflow Feature Implementation: Workflow execution metrics
- 增强 #2190 Workflow Feature Implementation: Event Filter/Validate
- 增强 #2192 Workflow Feature Implementation: Integrate EM, implement queue based on MQ
EventMesh v1.8.0 修复
- 漏洞 #2855 eventmesh-sdk-go test error
- 漏洞 #2849 TCP Server will throw stack overflow error when subscribing because of calling self method recursively
- 漏洞 #2845 Fix IOException in SSLContextFactory