OpenEJB是一个嵌入式,轻量级EJB3.0实现。既可以作为单独服务器使用,也可以嵌入到Tomcat、JUnit、Eclipse、 Intellij、Maven、Ant和其它任何IDE与应用程序中。OpenEJB 被用于Apple的WebObjects与Apache的Geronimo应用服务器中。
3.1 版本部分实现 EJB 3.1 ,包括完全支持 EJB 3.1 中的 Singleton Session bean ,主要的改进包括如下一些个方面:
EJB 3.1 features and EJB enhancements:
- Singleton Session Beans
- Constructor Injection
- Spring Integration
Tomcat features:
- Injection Support for JSF 1.2 ManagedBeans
Embedded features:
- EAR-style aggregation of modules discovered in the classpath
- ConnectorModule discoverable via the classpath (rar files)
- PersistenceModule discoverable via the classpath
- Improved JavaAgent/JPA enhancement for Unit Tests
- Improved detection of testing and embedded scenarios
- Improved classpath configuration searching
- Property overriding for logging configuration
- Property overriding for persistence.xml properties
- VM-scoped Security for embedded scenarios
- LocalInitialContext.close() to logout of embedded container
- LocalInitialContext.close() to shutdown embedded container
- JMS runs port-free in embedded mode
- Automatically set for EclipseLink
- Automatically set for TopLink
- Automatically set hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class for Hibernate
- Optimized annotation scanner to determine if a jar is an ejb jar more quickly
Standalone features:
- Severely improved client performance over ejbd
- Client Connection Failover and Request Retry
- Client-side Connection Pool
- Client connection KeepAlive
- Graceful shutdown of client/server connections
- Multicast discovery and grouping
- EJBd protocol over SSL
- JDBC/DataSource based login module