Openfire 4.2.0 Beta 已发布,可从这里进行下载,更新日志显示该版本已解决了 60 个 JIRA 上的问题。
Openfire 4.2 值得关注的变化:
XEP-0237 Roster Versioning
Server to Server (s2s) is more robust
The websocket functionality, previously in a plugin, was merged into core
The Admin Console now has a Pub-Sub administration interface
You can now manually test a Server to Server connection on the Admin Console
XEP-0198 Client Resumption is now available
A lot of polish and new handy functionality was added to the Admin Console
Openfire plugin loading is much more robust
Openfire 是开源的、基于可拓展通讯和表示协议(XMPP)、采用 Java 编程语言开发的即时消息传输平台。Openfire 的安装和使用都非常简单,并利用 Web 进行管理。单台服务器可支持上万并发用户。