An issue that caused PyCharm to freeze on startup has been resolved
Projects can be opened in the current window again (there was a problem where projects would open in a new window, even after open in current window was selected)
Several bugs related to React support have been fixed
PyCharm 2017.1.3 RC 2 发布,Python IDE
我们很高兴地宣布,PyCharm 2017.1.3 的第二个候选版本现已推出! 在这个版本中我们修复了以下错误:
An issue that caused PyCharm to freeze on startup has been resolved
Projects can be opened in the current window again (there was a problem where projects would open in a new window, even after open in current window was selected)
Several bugs related to React support have been fixed
macOS terminal locale detection
其他更新内容: 请参阅 release notes