fix #617: Charts of http/sql stats can not be viewed after restarting the application (with help from goldyliang).
fix #622: In the collector server, malformed main html page when the monitored app is down.
fix #623: In the collector server, spikes on gc, transaction and cpu graphs after collector restart.
fix: In the collector server, after a restart, a monitored application can't be removed if it is no longer available.
fix #631: When using the collector server, minor security issue if XML transport format with xstream is configured in the collector server parameters.
fix: If the monitoring of an invalid JNDI datasource fails, don't ignore the others (dca0b07).
added: When using Ehcache, display keys from the caches and add ability to remove a specific key from a cache (PR #630, thanks to Aleksandr Mashchenko).
JavaMelody v1.66.0 发布,系统监控平台
JavaMelody v1.66.0 发布了。JavaMelody 能够监测Java或Java EE应用程序服务器,并以图表的方式显示:Java内存和Java CPU使用情况,用户Session数量,JDBC连接数,和http请求、sql请求、jsp页面与业务接口方法(EJB3、Spring、 Guice)的执行数量,平均执行时间,错误百分比等。图表可以按天,周,月,年或自定义时间段查看。
该版本主要修复了大量 bug。详细如下:
fix #617: Charts of http/sql stats can not be viewed after restarting the application (with help from goldyliang).
fix #622: In the collector server, malformed main html page when the monitored app is down.
fix #623: In the collector server, spikes on gc, transaction and cpu graphs after collector restart.
fix: In the collector server, after a restart, a monitored application can't be removed if it is no longer available.
fix #631: When using the collector server, minor security issue if XML transport format with xstream is configured in the collector server parameters.
fix: If the monitoring of an invalid JNDI datasource fails, don't ignore the others (dca0b07).
added: When using Ehcache, display keys from the caches and add ability to remove a specific key from a cache (PR #630, thanks to Aleksandr Mashchenko).
Source code (zip)
Source code (tar.gz)