Upgrade to Amqp Client 4.0 with appropriate RabbitConnectionFactoryBean changes
Upgrade to Log4j 2.7 and required braking change fix for the log4j2.AmqpAppender
Upgrade to Spring Retry 1.2 with important StatefulRetryOperationsInterceptor.setUseRawKey(true) for backward compatibility
a new spring-rabbit-junit artifact is provided with several utilities (like BrokerRunning@Rule) which can be useful for testing Spring AMQP applications
The SimpleMessageListenerContainer can now be started without queues to listen to at all. They can be provided later at runtime via addQueues()
a ConnectionNameStrategy is provided for the ConnectionFactory to allow to identify application connections in the Broker or other monitoring and tracing tools
我们希望 GA 能在 Spring Boot 1.5 GA 发布之前发布,所以各位有足够的时间尝试这个版本,并给我们任何反馈。同时,我们正在基于 Spring Framework 5.0 和 Java 8 功能开发 Spring AMQP 2.0。
Spring AMQP 1.7 RC1 发布
Spring AMQP 1.7 的首个(也是最后一个)RC 版发布了。Spring AMQP 是基于 Spring 框架的 AMQP 消息解决方案,提供模板化的发送和接收消息的抽象层,提供基于消息驱动的 POJO。
此版本主要是 1.6.x 和 2.0 之间的中间版本,用于解决 Spring Boot 1.5 和 IO Platform Brussels 的兼容性。
Upgrade to Amqp Client 4.0 with appropriate
changesUpgrade to Log4j 2.7 and required braking change fix for the
Upgrade to Spring Retry 1.2 with important
for backward compatibilitya new
artifact is provided with several utilities (likeBrokerRunning
) which can be useful for testing Spring AMQP applicationsThe
can now be started without queues to listen to at all. They can be provided later at runtime viaaddQueues()
is provided for theConnectionFactory
to allow to identify application connections in the Broker or other monitoring and tracing tools我们希望 GA 能在 Spring Boot 1.5 GA 发布之前发布,所以各位有足够的时间尝试这个版本,并给我们任何反馈。同时,我们正在基于 Spring Framework 5.0 和 Java 8 功能开发 Spring AMQP 2.0。
Source code (zip)
Source code (tar.gz)