Immutant 2.1.5 发布了,Immutant 是一个 Clojure 的应用服务器,这是一个基于 JBoss AS 7 的集成平台,用于 Ring 处理、异步消息、缓存、任务调度、XA 事务、集群和守护进程等等。
Support for deployment to the newly-released JBoss EAP 7
A fix to allow you to use XA, immutant.messaging/listen, and a remote context together
We no longer transitively depend on two different versions of jboss-logging
Our Undertow dependency has been updated to 1.3.23.Final (from 1.3.0.Beta9) to fix issues with HTTP/2 in Chrome (IMMUTANT-621)
Other updates to our transitive depenencies, including:
java.classpath 0.2.2 -> 0.2.3
potemkin 0.4.1 -> 0.4.3
tools.nrepl 0.2.7 -> 0.2.11
[IMMUTANT-617] - immutant/web brings in two versions of jboss-logging
[IMMUTANT-618] - Support deployment to EAP 7
[IMMUTANT-619] - IllegalStateException when passing remote xa context to msg/listen
[IMMUTANT-620] - Update Undertow version
[IMMUTANT-621] - Crash in Chrome with HTTP/2
Immutant 2.1.5 发布,Clojure 应用服务器
Immutant 2.1.5 发布了,Immutant 是一个 Clojure 的应用服务器,这是一个基于 JBoss AS 7 的集成平台,用于 Ring 处理、异步消息、缓存、任务调度、XA 事务、集群和守护进程等等。
Support for deployment to the newly-released JBoss EAP 7
A fix to allow you to use XA,
, and a remote context togetherWe no longer transitively depend on two different versions of jboss-logging
Our Undertow dependency has been updated to 1.3.23.Final (from 1.3.0.Beta9) to fix issues with HTTP/2 in Chrome (IMMUTANT-621)
Other updates to our transitive depenencies, including:
java.classpath 0.2.2 -> 0.2.3
potemkin 0.4.1 -> 0.4.3
tools.nrepl 0.2.7 -> 0.2.11
[IMMUTANT-617] - immutant/web brings in two versions of jboss-logging
[IMMUTANT-618] - Support deployment to EAP 7
[IMMUTANT-619] - IllegalStateException when passing remote xa context to msg/listen
[IMMUTANT-620] - Update Undertow version
[IMMUTANT-621] - Crash in Chrome with HTTP/2