* Added graph traversal support, and new "sort" and "random" streaming expressions. It's also now possible to create streaming expressions with the Solr Admin UI.
* Fixed the ENUM faceting method to not be unnecessarily rewritten to FCS, which was causing slowdowns.
* Reduced garbage creation when creating cache entries.
* New [subquery] document transformer to obtatin related documents per result doc.
* EmbeddedSolrServer allocates heap much wisely even with plain document list without callbacks.
* New GeoJSON response writer for encoding geographic data in query responses.
Apache Solr 6.1.0 发布,Java 全文搜索服务器
Apache Solr 6.1.0 发布了。
* Added graph traversal support, and new "sort" and "random" streaming
expressions. It's also now possible to create streaming expressions with
the Solr Admin UI.
* Fixed the ENUM faceting method to not be unnecessarily rewritten to FCS,
which was causing slowdowns.
* Reduced garbage creation when creating cache entries.
* New [subquery] document transformer to obtatin related documents per
result doc.
* EmbeddedSolrServer allocates heap much wisely even with plain document
list without callbacks.
* New GeoJSON response writer for encoding geographic data in query
Apache Solr (读音: SOLer) 是一个开源的搜索服务器。Solr 使用 Java 语言开发,主要基于 HTTP 和 Apache Lucene 实现。Apache Solr 中存储的资源是以 Document 为对象进行存储的。每个文档由一系列的 Field 构成,每个 Field 表示资源的一个属性。Solr 中的每个 Document 需要有能唯一标识其自身的属性,默认情况下这个属性的名字是 id,在 Schema 配置文件中使用:id进行描述。 Solr是一个高性能,采用Java开发,基于Lucene的全文搜索服务器。文档通过Http利用XML加到一个搜索集合中。查询该集合也是通过 http收到一个XML/JSON响应来实现。它的主要特性包括:高效、灵活的缓存功能,垂直搜索功能,高亮显示搜索结果,通过索引复制来提高可用性,提 供一套强大Data Schema来定义字段,类型和设置文本分析,提供基于Web的管理界面等。