Subtasking: option for independent subtask priority/start date/due date/done ratio (#5490), ability to filter the issue list by parent task or subtasks (#6118)
Permission to view only your own time logs (#8929)
Better handling of HTML-only emails (#16962), nokogiri is now used to parse incoming HTML
Ability to limit the member management permission to certain roles (#19707)
Security features (optional settings): ability to expire passwords after a configurable number of days (#19458), password re-entry for sensitive actions (#19851)
Redmine 3.1.0 发布,项目管理和缺陷跟踪工具
Redmine 3.1.0 发布,此版本主要改进如下:
Subtasking: option for independent subtask priority/start date/due date/done ratio (#5490), ability to filter the issue list by parent task or subtasks (#6118)
Permission to view only your own time logs (#8929)
Better handling of HTML-only emails (#16962), nokogiri is now used to parse incoming HTML
Ability to limit the member management permission to certain roles (#19707)
Security features (optional settings): ability to expire passwords after a configurable number of days (#19458), password re-entry for sensitive actions (#19851)
完整改进请看 Changelog。
Redmine 3.0.x 维护版本将会在 3.1.x 停止维护,而 2.6.x 维护分支将会持续到 2015 年底。
Redmine 是一个开源的、基于Web的项目管理和缺陷跟踪工具。它用日历和甘特图辅助项目及进度可视化显示。同时它又支持多项目管理。Redmine是一个自由开放 源码软件解决方案,它提供集成的项目管理功能,问题跟踪,并为多个版本控制选项的支持。
虽 说像IBM Rational Team Concert的商业项目调查工具已经很强大了,但想坚持一个自由和开放源码的解决方案,可能会发现Redmine是一个有用的Scrum和敏捷的选择。 由于Redmine的设计受到Rrac的较大影响,所以它们的软件包有很多相似的特征。
Redmine建立在Ruby on Rails的框架之上,支持跨平台和多种数据库。。