Piwik 2.14.1 发布,这个版本着重修复前个版本报告的一些问题,此外还有 27项小的改进:
#8331 Do not perform an inner join when looking for archives to purge, it does not scale. [by @diosmosis, @mattab]
#7181 Report archives have tripled in size since update to 2.10 [by @diosmosis]
#8321 Embedding widgets with token_auth does not work anymore [by @sgiehl, @diosmosis, @mattab]
#8324 API: make parameter filter_excludelowpop_value work in all cases [by @mattab, @diosmosis]
#8312 Web cron archive.php is not working in some cases [by @mattab]
#8311 misc/others/api_internal_call.php is broken [by @diosmosis, @mattab]
#8289 Apache Error 500 in case of Detected browser engine was not found in $availableEngines [by @sgiehl]
#8272 Do not use INI [proxy] settings when connecting to localhost or [by @mattab]
#8257 Site Search report does not display tooltips with metrics documentation [by @barbushin, @mattab]
#8245 Mobile Messaging shows error message when changing setting
#8244 Adding/Editing a new goal doesn’t update its “state” and some UI issues
#8243 Visitor map NaN error in browser console
#7969 Quotes in goal names are over-escaped [by @diosmosis, @mattab]
#7768 Browser info tooltip doesnt hide [by @barbushin, @mattab]
#7382 Cannot click links in visitor-log-lightbox [by @barbushin, @mattab]
#8305 Make Auto update buttons bigger
#8350 Update to Kartograph 0.8.2 [by @barbushin, @mattab]
#8343 Adding PRIVACY.md file to document various ways to improve Privacy for visitors and Piwik admins [by @mattab, @diosmosis]
#8303 missing translation General_Next in javascript of SitesManager [by @parruc, @mattab]
#8283 Update to Kartograph 0.8.2 [by @barbushin, @mattab]
#8248 Fixes duplication `onchange` event for `radio` elements [by @barbushin, @mattab]
#8229 Add OptOutManager [by @Zeichen32, @mattab]
#8220 Document the possible issue with data not being tracked and SSL certificates / net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE
#8208 Use translated plugin description if available [by @sgiehl, @mattab]
#8188 Allow to test all API endpoints using SystemTestCase::runApiTests [by @mattab]
#8334 [automatic translation update] Updated 306 strings in 16 languages (sk, de, es, nb, sv, sl, el, fr, it, bg, cs, ko, nl, nn, pt, sq) [by @sgiehl]
Piwik是一套基于PHP5+MySQL技术构建的开源网站访问统计系统,前身是phpMyVisites。Piwik可以给你详细的统计信息,比如网页浏览人数,访问最多的页面,搜索引擎关键词等等流量分析功能。此外,它还采用了插件扩展及开放API架构,可以让用户根据 自已的实际需求创建更多的功能。