Changes between V8.0.1 and V8.1.0 released August 26th 2014
FreeRTOS scheduler, kernel, demo and test updates:
+ Improved the priority inheritance algorithms to assist integration with
off the shelf middleware that may hold multiple mutexes simultaneously.
+ Introduce heap_5.c, which is similar to heap_4.c but allows the heap to
span multiple non-contiguous memory regions.
+ Updated all Cortex-A9 ports to help trap a couple of common usage errors -
the first being when a task incorrectly attempts to exit its implementing
function and the second being when a non interrupt safe API function is
called from an interrupt.
+ Update all Cortex-A9 ports to remove obsolete mode switches prior to
restoring a task context.
+ configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION now defaults to 1 instead of 0.
+ Update all Cortex-M3/4F ports to trap a non interrupt safe API function
being called from an interrupt handler.
+ Simplify the alignment checks in heap_4.c.
+ Update the MSVC Windows simulator demo to use heap_5.c in place of
heap_4.c to ensure end users have an example to refer to.
+ Updated standard demo test code to test the new priority inheritance
+ Updated the standard demo tasks to make use of stdint and the FreeRTOS
specific typedefs that were introduced in FreeRTOS V8.0.0.
+ Introduce the pdMS_TO_TICKS() macro as a more user friendly and intuitive
alternative to pdTICKS_PER_MS - both of which can be used to convert a
time specified in milliseconds to a time specified in RTOS ticks.
+ Fix a bug in the Tasking compiler's Cortex-M port that resulted in an
incorrect value being written to the basepri register. This only effects
users of the Tasking compiler.
+ Update the Zynq demo to use version 14.2 of the SDK and add in an lwIP
example that demonstrates lwIP being used with both its raw and sockets
+ Updated the CCS Cortex-R4 port to enable it to be built with the latest
CCS compiler.
New ports and demo applications:
+ Two Renesas RX64M ports (RXv2 core) and demos introduced, one for the GCC
compiler and one for the Renesas compiler. Both demos use e2 studio.
+ Generic IAR Cortex-A5 port (without any reliance on a GIC) introduced.
The new port is demonstrated on an Atmel SAMA5D3 XPlained board.
FreeRTOS+ component updates:
+ Update CyaSSL to the latest version.
+ Updated the FreeRTOS+ components supplied directly by Real Time Engineers
Ltd. to make use of stdint and the FreeRTOS specific typedefs that were
introduced in FreeRTOS V8.0.0.
+ Rework and simplify the FreeRTOS+FAT SL RAM disk driver.
Miscellaneous updates and maintenance:
+ Update the IAR and DS-5/ARM RZ demos to target the official RZ RSK
hardware in place of the previously targeted Renesas internal (not
publicly available) hardware.
+ Various other maintenance tasks.
Changes between V8.0.0 and V8.0.1 released 2nd May 2014
+ Minor fixes to the event group functionality that was released in V8.0.0.
The 'clear bits from ISR' functionality is now implemented using a
deferred interrupt callback instead of a function, and the 'wait bits' and
'task sync' functions now correctly clear internal control bits before
returning a value in every possible path through the respective functions.
+ Ensure the updating of internal control data is protected by a critical
section after a task is deleted or suspended.
+ Minor fixes to FreeRTOS+FAT SL - namely seeking beyond the end of a file
when the offset was not a multiple of the sector size.
+ Ensure Cortex-A9 system registers are only ever accessed as 32-bit values,
even when only the lest significant byte of the register is implemented.
Other updates:
+ Updated the XMC4200 IAR project so it links with version 7.x of the IAR
+ Add RL78L1C demo.
+ Add pcTimerGetTimerName() API function.
+ Call _reclaim_reent() when a task is deleted if configUSE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT
is defined.
Changes between V7.6.0 and V8.0.0 released 19th Feb 2014
FreeRTOS V8.x.x is a drop-in compatible replacement for FreeRTOS V7.x.x,
although a change to the type used to reference character strings may result
in application code generating a few (easily clearable) compiler warnings
after the upgrade, and an updated typedef naming convention means use of the
old typedef names is now discouraged.
See for full
New features and functionality:
+ Event groups - see
+ Centralised deferred interrupt processing - see
Other updates:
+ Previously, when a task left the Blocked state, a context switch was
performed if the priority of the unblocked task was greater than or equal
to the priority of the Running task. Now a context switch is only
performed if the priority of the unblocked task is greater than the
priority of the Running task.
+ New low power tickless demonstration project that targets the ST STM32L
microcontroller - see
+ Add xPortGetMinimumEverFreeHeapSize() to heap_4.c.
+ Small change to the tickless low power implementation on the SAM4L to
ensure the alarm value (compare match value) cannot be set to zero when a
tickless period is exited due to an interrupt originating from a source
other than the RTOS tick.
+ Update the GCC/Eclipse Win32 simulator demo to make better use of Eclipse
resource filters and match the functionality of the MSVC equivalent.
+ xTaskIsTaskSuspended() is no longer a public function. Use
eTaskGetState() in its place.
+ Improved trace macros, including tracing of heap usage.
+ Remove one level of indirection when accepting interrupts on the PIC32MZ.
+ Add Cortex-A9 GCC port layer.
+ Add Xilinx Zynq demo application
FreeRTOS 8.1.1 发布,小型嵌入式系统
FreeRTOS 8.1.1 发布,此版本修复了从中断处理器给一个互斥型信号量(优先级继承)的功能。
FreeRTOS 8.1.0 在 26 号发布,此版本最主要的特性是支持非连续堆栈(heap_5.c),需要分配内存(创建任务,队列等等)。