Piwik 2.5.0 是一个主要的新版本,重点是提升了分析平台 API、提升了稳定性和可用性。该版本有超过 15 名贡献者,关闭了 87 个问题。
Piwik是一套基于PHP5+MySQL技术构建的开源网站访问统计系统,前身是phpMyVisites。Piwik可以给你详细的统计信息,比如网页浏览人数,访问最多的页面,搜索引擎关键词等等流量分析功能。此外,它还采用了插件扩展及开放API架构,可以让用户根据 自已的实际需求创建更多的功能。
#5299 [New open source project] Github issues mirror for Data ownership and better searchability, on issues.piwik.org
#5953 Create a CHANGELOG.md file that lists all changes and improvements to the core platform
#5381 Create a CONTRIBUTING.md file to let users know how to contribute to Piwik [by @tsteur]
#5958 When there is an error in Piwik throw a http error code 500 [by @mattab]
#5415 Don’t store custom variables in cookies (better privacy) [by @mattab]
#5806 When upgrading Piwik, –dry-run should show all SQL queries including Plugins install queries
#5912 Cross-origin resource sharing [by @czolnowski, @halfdan, @mattab]
#5817 “report to load by default” does not change to “All Websites” [by @tsteur]
#5957 In piwik.js when ‘disableCookies’ is pushed to the _paq array, apply it first [by @mattab]
#5385 Show footer icons in the Ecommerce reports [by @tsteur]
#5168 Notice: Undefined index: 2011-08-18 in plugins/API/API.php on line 493 [by @mattab]
#5807 Refactor core:archive command to use symfony console $input rather than getParameterFromCli() method [by @diosmosis]
#5895 In processed report a segment parameter is not added to ImageGraph URL [by @tsteur, @mattab]
#5896 filter, showColumns, hideColumns should work if API returns arrays [by @tsteur]
#5962 Created unified system for running tests in travis for Piwik Core and any Piwik plugin. [by @diosmosis, @mattab]
#5964 Movers and Shakers not compairing correctly when using Segmentation [by @tsteur]
#5849 make the opt-out form work even if JavaScript is disabled [by @craue, @tsteur]
#5981 refs #5950 add possibility to sort Live.getLastVisitsDetails [by @tsteur]
#5984 refs #5936 remove gone files during update [by @tsteur]
#5987 MultiSites.getAll returns wrong format under circumstances [by @tsteur]
#5406 When Ajax request ends with error (5xx or 4xx), Piwik should display a friendly message notification [by @tsteur]
#5404 Create FAQ to help troubleshoot the error “Failed to load HTML file”
#4392 Widget error message “The report ‘nb_pageviews’ was requested but it is not available at this stage…” [by @diosmosis]
#4629 Encountered unsupported archive type ‘dat.gz.’. [by @mattab]
#5180 PHP Warning: parse_url(http://): Unable to parse URL in core/UrlHelper.php on line 494 [by @fhemberger, @tsteur]
#5191 huge whitespace in visitor profile [by @fhemberger]
#5242 Visitor engagement: too wide [by @fhemberger]
#5399 Piwik auf IIS im shared hosting erzeugt fehlerhafte CSS-Datei [by @tsteur]
#5416 Real Time Visitor Count – wrong actions counter [by @tsteur]
#5825 Fix parameter in deprecation message in /misc/cron/archive.php [by @fhemberger, @mattab]
#5833 Adding the new variables to “UsersManager.addUser.end” and “UsersManager.updateUser.end” triggers [by @burakcakirel, @mattab]
#5841 Uninitialized string offset: 1 in /srv/piwik/core/Piwik.php on line 158 [by @tsteur]
#5842 Piwik’s asynchronous command line execution module does not properly detect currently running processes on some systems [by @diosmosis]
#5851 Search engine “Yandex” is defined as a website [by @sgiehl]
#5858 Add name parameter to MenuTop. [by @czolnowski, @tsteur]
#5859 Treat response with any 2xx status code as successful POST track request [by @sslavic, @mattab]
#5861 Show the image description also as title [by @ThaDafinser, @tsteur]
#5866 added missing variable to postEvent [by @mgazdzik, @tsteur]
#5867 Unable to use new domain extensions as an email address [by @tsteur]
#5936 On update, automatically delete from filesystem all Piwik files that are not in the latest release [by @tsteur]
#5883 In the Visitor Profile, show also the time of the visit [by @ThaDafinser, @mattab]
#5884 Integration Tests refactor (move API testing logic to separate classes) [by @diosmosis, @mattab]
#5887 Calling MultiSites.getAll results in “Invalid parameter number” (in Piwik 2.5.0-b1) [by @tsteur]
#5821 refs #5820 Report and dimension refactoring [by @tsteur]
#5891 Visitors in real-time widget “Page views” metric should not counts other action types [by @mattab, @piwik-auto-commit-bot]
#5893 fixed broken EventDispatcher mechanism for sorting callbacks order [by @mgazdzik, @halfdan]
#5899 Missing word in FAQ
#5910 r.search.yahoo.com tracked as external referrer [by @sgiehl]
#5925 Display more useful message when error `Abort pclzip.lib.php : Missing zlib extensions` [by @mattab]
#5926 Add example Dimensions and example Reports to the `ExamplePlugin` [by @tsteur]
#5927 Delete unused column `log_conversion.referer_visit_server_date` [by @mattab]
#5929 CORS refactoring [by @czolnowski, @mattab]
#5931 Visitor profile image width to max-width [by @ThaDafinser, @mattab]
#5937 Run marketplace plugin tests with the defined PHP version in plugin.json [by @tsteur]
#5939 Fixed a test to use the configured root URL [by @mnapoli, @mattab]
#5943 When an admin removes a user’s access to a website, sending scheduled reports may fail [by @tsteur]
#5944 5896 add showColumns/hideColumns filters to arrays [by @tsteur]
#5949 Searching in datatable for `?param` results in error message [by @tsteur]
#5950 Sorting Live.getLastVisitsDetails visits by a custom column [by @tsteur]
#5951 Notice: Undefined index: dimension in plugins/API/RowEvolution.php on line 334 [by @tsteur]
#5961 When editing an existing goal, radio buttons are not checked [by @tsteur]
#5988 shell_exec(): Cannot execute using backquotes in Safe Mode [by @mattab]
#5909 [automatic translation update] Updated 90 strings in 8 languages (da, de, el, fr, it, ru, sv, tr) [by @sgiehl]
#5857 [automatic translation update] Updated 65 strings in 2 languages (de, pl) [by @sgiehl]
#6004 [automatic translation update] Updated 68 strings in 5 languages (da, de, el, sl, tr) [by @sgiehl]
#5824 [automatic translation update] Updated 84 strings in 7 languages (el, it, ja, nb, nl, sv, tr) [by @sgiehl]
#5967 [automatic translation update] Updated 131 strings in 8 languages (ru, fr, sv, cs, da, de, el, it) [by @sgiehl]