Apache TomEE,该产品已通过Java EE 6 Web Profile认证,主要由Apache Tomcat、Apache OpenWebBeans、Apache MyFaces、Apache ActiveMQ、Apache OpenJPA和Apache CXF组成。最初被命名为Apache+OpenEJB,后来为了表达包含其他Java EE的组件实现,被重命名为Apache TomEE。近日,TomEE1.7.0发布,改版本基于Apache Tomcat 7.0.55.实现。
DataSource is such a common resource type that it should be possible to not specify it in tomee.xml
Support aliases on resources
Manage Sessions
add a "openejb.timers.on" property (configurable in application.properties) to deactivate timers
properties as resource
support WebServiceContext for pojos
shade quartz in org.apache.openejb.quartz
allow to define urls as resource
tomeeAlreadyInstalled option to tomee mvn plugin to not modify tomee (no conf, no lib, no app) when starting
support org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider out of the box
Potential TomEE distribution with Mojarra and EclipseLink
support leveldb and custom amq persistence adapter
TomEE Maven Plugin should support OpenEJB standalone
add openejb.cxf-rs.wadl-generator.ignoreRequests to configure and not force ignoreRequests on wadlgenerator
New Event: @Observes LifecycleEvent
add javaagents parameter to tomee-maven-plugin
support @CdiExtensions on test class for ApplicationComposer
Support CDI LoginModule
provide an exec war goal to tomee plugin
Support multiple JDBC Driver class versions
TomEE Remote EJBContainer
allow internal datasources to be flushable (swap delegate)
add LockFactory API in StatefulContainer
support resource references in resources.xml Service using @ prefix
Add ability to configure HTTPS port
allow tomee maven plugin to configure externalRepositories
add webappDefaultConfig to tomee maven plugin to auto configure the plugin for default webapp dev setup
Add a REST Exception mapper for EJBAccessException
Apache TomEE 1.7.0 发布,Tomcat 企业版
Apache TomEE,该产品已通过Java EE 6 Web Profile认证,主要由Apache Tomcat、Apache OpenWebBeans、Apache MyFaces、Apache ActiveMQ、Apache OpenJPA和Apache CXF组成。最初被命名为Apache+OpenEJB,后来为了表达包含其他Java EE的组件实现,被重命名为Apache TomEE。近日,TomEE1.7.0发布,改版本基于Apache Tomcat 7.0.55.实现。
DataSource is such a common resource type that it should be possible to not specify it in tomee.xml
Support aliases on resources
Manage Sessions
add a "openejb.timers.on" property (configurable in application.properties) to deactivate timers
properties as resource
support WebServiceContext for pojos
shade quartz in org.apache.openejb.quartz
allow to define urls as resource
tomeeAlreadyInstalled option to tomee mvn plugin to not modify tomee (no conf, no lib, no app) when starting
support org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider out of the box
Potential TomEE distribution with Mojarra and EclipseLink
support leveldb and custom amq persistence adapter
TomEE Maven Plugin should support OpenEJB standalone
add openejb.cxf-rs.wadl-generator.ignoreRequests to configure and not force ignoreRequests on wadlgenerator
New Event: @Observes LifecycleEvent
add javaagents parameter to tomee-maven-plugin
support @CdiExtensions on test class for ApplicationComposer
Support CDI LoginModule
provide an exec war goal to tomee plugin
Support multiple JDBC Driver class versions
TomEE Remote EJBContainer
allow internal datasources to be flushable (swap delegate)
add LockFactory API in StatefulContainer
support resource references in resources.xml Service using @ prefix
Add ability to configure HTTPS port
allow tomee maven plugin to configure externalRepositories
add webappDefaultConfig to tomee maven plugin to auto configure the plugin for default webapp dev setup
Add a REST Exception mapper for EJBAccessException