Apache Archiva 2.1.0 发布,此版本现已提供下载。此版本是个 bug 修复版本,最低要求 JDK 7,更新内容如下:
兼容性改进 改进了 wrapper.conf; 数据库存储移除的同时可以移除 jdbc/archiva 的 JNDI 条目; 升级之后将会运行全新的 JCR 库。 系统改进 [MRM-1210] - Dependency tree should include the artifact type [MRM-1558] - Please provide some UI element which shows degraded and/or badly connected remote repository [MRM-1802] - Find a cache solution for browsing part (especially root browsing) [MRM-1829] - Change default value of of AysncLogger strategy for log4j async [MRM-1834] - Add limit to index search query to prevent unnecessary calculations [MRM-1836] - Make search limit (maxCount) configurable via UI [MRM-1843] - provide mechanism to obtain the latest version of an artifact Bug 修复 [MRM-887] - Start script has no valid "uname" option [MRM-1809] - Users - Manage section sort by name doesn't work as expected [MRM-1812] - Users - Manage section needs Sort by User Name, Sort by Full Name, and Sort by Email buttons [MRM-1813] - Users - Manage section filters don't seem to work [MRM-1823] - java 1.7 as prerequisite [MRM-1824] - metadata storage using Cassandra [MRM-1825] - MD5 hashes are for wrong file name [MRM-1826] - Force Internet Explorer into Standards Mode [MRM-1830] - Charset applied to binary repository HTTP responses [MRM-1833] - Nullpointer when browsing artifacts which have dependencies with scope "import" [MRM-1837] - DefaultArchivaConfiguration holds references to classes [MRM-1841] - "Remember me" not working [MRM-1842] - Remove per default log4j2 Async Logging [MRM-1846] - Regression in 2.0.1 : uniqueVersion false not supported [MRM-1849] - Unable to download -SNAPSHOT jars after 2.0.1 Upgrade
Archiva 是一个管理一个和多个远程存储的软件。它能够与Maven,Continuum和ANT等构建工具完美结合。Archiva提供的功能包括:远程 Repository代理,基于角色的安全访问管理,Artifact分发、维护、查询,生成使用报告,提供基于Web的管理界面等。