Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha5 发布了,该版本继续修复 bug 和改进,这将是最后一个 Alpha 版本,下一个是 Beta 版以及最终的正式版。
[ISPN-4327] - Upgrade to Apache Lucene 4.8.1
[ISPN-4328] - Upgrade JGroups to 3.5.0.Beta7
[ISPN-4369] - Upgrade H2 driver to 1.3.173
[ISPN-4419] - Upgrade to netty 4.0.20
[ISPN-4482] - Upgrade JGroups to 3.5.0.Beta9
[ISPN-4195] - Clarify how L1 is enabled in XSD and configuration with new parser
[ISPN-4217] - Use ArrayList instead of LinkedList for DeltaAware and Delta in M/R
[ISPN-4245] - ConsistentHashFactory needs to be configurable via XML
[ISPN-4296] - Restore predefined cache limitation for Hot Rod servers
[ISPN-4325] - Change CloseableIterable to use AutoCloseable instead of Closeable
[ISPN-4326] - Change EntryIterator return type to be CacheEntry
[ISPN-4346] - Refactoring of Clustered Queries and tests
[ISPN-4367] - Base Infinispan Query on Hibernate Search 5
[ISPN-4375] - EntryIterable need not throw an exception on close()
[ISPN-4395] - Query tests slow
[ISPN-4477] - grep with log message
[ISPN-4481] - Use UNICAST3 and NAKACK2 in the default server configuration
[ISPN-4499] - Prevent shadowing user-defined jgroups configuration file
[ISPN-4506] - Fix types on AdvancedCacheLoader to be friendlier for loader implementors
[ISPN-4525] - Avoid contention on statistics collection in JPACacheStore