Apache Wicket 6.10.0 发布了,Wicket是一个Java 语言的Web开发框架,与Struts,WebWork,Tapestry 相类似。其特点在于对Html和代码进行了有效的分离(有利于程序员和美工的合作),基于规则的配置(减少了XML 等配置文件的使用),学习曲线较低(开发方式与C/S相似),更加易于调试(错误类型比较少,而且容易定位)。
New and noteworthy
* Required text form components now emit the HTML5 required attribute
* URLs with username/passwords in them will now be parsed correctly
http://me:secret@localhost and http://me:secret@localhost:8080 will
no longer trigger an invalid number exception
* OnEventHeaderItem uses JavaScript event registration, instead of
inline DOM attributes, so it should remove 'on' prefixes when it is
provided by the user application. For example: onclick => click.