New features: o CODEC-168: Add DigestUtils.updateDigest(MessageDigest, InputStream). o CODEC-167: Add JUnit to test our decode with pad character in the middle. o CODEC-161: Add Match Rating Approach (MRA) phonetic algorithm encoder.
Fixed Bugs: o CODEC-163: ColognePhonetic encoder unnecessarily creates many char arrays on every loop run. Thanks to leo141. o CODEC-160: Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString doesn't add padding characters at the end.
Apache Commons Codec 1.8 发布
Apache Commons Codec 1.8 发布了,Commons项目中用来处理常用的编码方法的工具类包,例如DES、SHA1、MD5、Base64等等。
该版本要求至少 Java 6 支持,改进内容包括:
New features:
o CODEC-168: Add DigestUtils.updateDigest(MessageDigest, InputStream).
o CODEC-167: Add JUnit to test our decode with pad character in the middle.
o CODEC-161: Add Match Rating Approach (MRA) phonetic algorithm encoder.
Fixed Bugs:
o CODEC-163: ColognePhonetic encoder unnecessarily creates many char arrays on every loop run. Thanks to leo141.
o CODEC-160: Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString doesn't add padding characters at the end.