PHP 5.4.14/5.3.24发布。2013-04-11 经过1个RC 上个版本是2013-03-14的5.4.13/5.3.23修正了超过10个Bug以及几个安全漏洞。PCRE升级到8.32 开发版本5.5Beta2.
完全改进:11 Apr 2013, PHP 5.4.14
- Core
. Fixed bug #64529 (Ran out of opcode space). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #64515 (Memoryleak when using the same variablename two times in
function declaration). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #64432 (more empty delimiter warning in strX methods). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #64417 (ArrayAccess::&offsetGet() in a trait causes fatal error).
. Fixed bug #64370 (microtime(true) less than $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']).
. Fixed bug #64239 (Debug backtrace changed behavior since 5.4.10 or 5.4.11).
(Dmitry, Laruence)
. Fixed bug #63976 (Parent class incorrectly using child constant in class
property). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #63914 (zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC does not handle
exceptions properly). (Jeff Welch)
. Fixed bug #62343 (Show class_alias In get_declared_classes()) (Dmitry)
. Merged PCRE 8.32. (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #61981 (OO API, walk: $suffix_as_key is not working correctly).
(Boris Lytochkin)
- Zip:
. Bug #64452 (Zip crash intermittently). (Anatol)
11 Apr 2013, PHP 5.3.24
- Core
. Fixed bug #64370 (microtime(true) less than $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']).
. Fixed bug #63914 (zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC does not handle
exceptions properly). (Jeff Welch)
. Fixed bug #62343 (Show class_alias In get_declared_classes()) (Dmitry)
. Merged PCRE 8.32). (Anatol)
- mysqlnd
. Fixed bug #63530 (mysqlnd_stmt::bind_one_parameter crashes, uses wrong alloc
for stmt->param_bind). (Andrey)
- DateTime
. Fixed bug #62852 (Unserialize Invalid Date causes crash). (Anatol)
- Zip:
. Bug #64452 (Zip crash intermittently). (Anatol)