Puppet,是基于Ruby的一个工具,您可以集中管理每一个重要方面,您的系统使用的是跨平台的规范语言,管理所有的单独的元素通常聚集在不同的文件,如用户, CRON作业,和主机一起显然离散元素,如包装,服务和文件。
2012-10-18。上个版本是2012-09-29的3.0.0 .其他产品线还是2012-08-21的2.7.19和2012-07-10的2.6.17 只是简单的Bug修正版。
Bug #15717: puppet kick returns "Error: Could not find indirection 'run' / testip.example.com finished with exit code 2" |
Bug #16585: Remove dead "ldapnodes" setting |
Bug #16698: external node classifier script is not being called when storedconfigs is on |
Bug #16757: user cannot control loading of rubygems |
Bug #16769: Apache "SSLOptions +ExportCertData" causes "header too long" error |
Bug #16801: Puppet 3 debian init script has code using removed --servertype=mongrel option |
Bug #16922: Could not intern from b64_zlib_yaml when fact value ends with a colon |
Bug #17000: Puppet acceptance suite will get caught in a loop if agent fails to terminate for kick test |
Refactor #16643: sample-module has hyphen in name which is only unofficially supported |