POP-C++ 是一个全面的面向对象系统,用于在大规模分布式计算架构(如 Grid 或 P2P)中开发 HPC 高性能计算应用。包含一个编程套件(语言和编译器)以及一个运行系统。
POP-C++ 2.5 发布,主要改进内容包括:
- Improved termination time.
- Improvements for usage with Mac OS X.
- Support for ‘enum’ type and ‘typedef’ in parclass.
- Improvements to error and warning messages.
- Improved support for pure virtual parclass.
- Allows the void parameter.
- Solves the problem when using 'namespace’.
- Accepts the [] syntax for array parameters.
- Solves a compilation issue with Fedora.
- Adds a new command to SXXpopc (‘kill’, ‘killnstart’, ‘clearlog’, and ‘log’)