Archiva 是一个管理一个和多个远程存储的软件。它能够与Maven,Continuum和ANT等构建工具完美结合。Archiva提供的功能包括:远程 Repository代理,基于角色的安全访问管理,Artifact分发、维护、查询,生成使用报告,提供基于Web的管理界面等。
Apache Archiva 1.4 的第一个里程碑版发布了,该版本增加了以下新特性:
* It is now possible to create a staging repository for any managed repository and later merge the results.
* You can now use REST services to control Archiva or search for artifacts. See REST Services for more information.
* Database storage for repository metadata has been replaced with a JCR repository based on Apache Jackrabbit by default (other options such as a flat-file storage may be made available in the future).
* The search interface provide now the capability to search on OSGI metadata (based on the update of the Apache Maven Indexer library).
* You can now download Maven index content from remote repositories to include artifacts which are not present locally in your search results