Changes: The most notable improvement in 3.2 is the revamped team interface, which now features a "dashboard"-style overview of submissions, clarifications, and scores. Functionality improvements on the jury side include better support for interactive problems, filtering on the scoreboard and submissions, and the ability to delete most data from within the admin interface. On the judgehost side, runguard's setuid root requirement has been replaced with sudo
DOMjudge 1.3.0 发布,编程竞赛自动评测系统
DOMjudge 是一个为编程竞赛提供的自动评测系统。它为编程团队提供一个提交问题解决方案的机制和接口。
Changes: The most notable improvement in 3.2 is the revamped team interface, which now features a "dashboard"-style overview of submissions, clarifications, and scores. Functionality improvements on the jury side include better support for interactive problems, filtering on the scoreboard and submissions, and the ability to delete most data from within the admin interface. On the judgehost side, runguard's setuid root requirement has been replaced with sudo