代号为 Pagoa 的 Infinispan 5.0 发布了第一个 CR 版本,最终增加的特性包括:
- Lock identifiers are now available to Infinispan users in order to help reorder lock acquisitions which helps reduce the possibility of deadlocks.
- Infinispan now supports internationalization of messages as per the rules here. The internationalization of messages is not yet available, but the integration of JBoss Logging into Infinispan would allow it in an easy way.
- In the last BETA we renamed the lazyDeserialization XML element to storeAsBinary but this resulted in previous XML configurations not been valid any more. So, we've reinstated the lazyDeserialization element but if you use it, you'll see a WARN message indicating that you should replace it with storeAsBinary.
- A very important change in the release is the change of the default value for lock striping configuration. In previous releases, this used to be enabled by default but as hinted in its documentation this can cause deadlocks. So, after some debate, we've decided to disable it by default.
- New EC2 demo available in the all zip distribution with examples of distributed executors and map/reduce! Make sure you try it out :)
release notes.