Webpack 4.27.0 已发布,更新内容如下:
When using functions as plugins they are now also called with the compiler as parameter
This make it possible to use arrow functions as plugins
splitChunks.maxSize now emits a warning when minSize > maxSize
Loaders have now access to a
method to create their own resolver function with custom options
splitChunks.cacheGroups.xxx.enforce now behaves as documented and enforce chunk creation
splitChunks.cacheGroups.xxx.enforce now no longer deletes minSize for maxSize
fixes a bug where splitChunks cause cacheGroups to be incorrectly merged when using the same name
now conditions are considered per cacheGroup
the correct cache group comment is displayed in stats
fixes a bug which causes providedExports not to be updated on rebuilds when using
export * from
Webpack 是一个模块打包器,主要目的是在浏览器上打包 JavaScript 文件。